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Table of Contents | November, 2023  Vol. 61   No.11 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Research Papers
807 Hydrogen Embrittlement Characteristics of Tempered Martensitic Steels under Electrochemical and High-Pressure Hydrogen Environments
전기화학적 및 고압 수소 분위기하 템퍼드 마르텐사이트강의 수소취화 특성 비교
Sang-Gyu Kim, Jae-Yun Kim, Hyun-Joo Seo, Hwan-Gyo Jung, Jaeyoung Park, Un-Bong Baek, Byoungchul Hwang
김상규, 김재윤, 서현주, 정환교, 박재영, 백운봉, 황병철
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):807-814.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.807

The effect of hydrogen charging methods on the hydrogen embrittlement characteristics of tempered martensitic steels were discussed in terms of hydrogen diffusion behavior. Two tempered martensitic steels with different Si content were fabricated by quenching and tempering. The steel with high Si content had a lower cementite fraction because the..... More

815 A Study on the Microstructure, Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Martensitic Stainless Steel Plate
Hyojoo Lee, Sam Yaw Anaman, Nam-Su Rho, Si-Hyun Sung, Hyun-Min Sung, Sang-Yeob Lee, Hoon-Hwe Cho
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):815-823.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.815

The microstructure, tensile and fatigue properties of a martensitic stainless steel (MSS) plate with a thickness of 0.152 mm are investigated in this study. The microstructural properties were initially studied using electron backscatter diffraction microscopy. High dislocation densities were observed in the microstructure, along with the rolling texture revealed by..... More

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824 Effect of Ion Flux Variation in DC Magnetron Sputtering on the Deposition of Cubic Boron Nitride Film
DC 마그네트론 스퍼터링에서 입방정 질화붕소 박막의 증착 거동에 미치는 이온 플럭스 변화의 영향
Young-Hwan Choi, Joo-Youl Huh, Young-Joon Baik
최영환, 허주열, 백영준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):824-829.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.824

Cubic boron nitride (cBN) thin films were deposited using DC magnetron sputtering, and the effect of the ion flux on the deposition behavior and residual stress of the cBN thin films was investigated. To increase the ion flux, the magnetic force ratio of the central/peripheral permanent magnets inserted in the..... More

830 Comparative Study on the Corrosion Behavior of Materials in Heat Recovery Steam Generators for Combined Cycle Power Plant, Based on Sulfuric Acid Concentrations: Carbon Steels vs. Duplex Stainless Steel (UNS S32205)
복합화력발전 내 배열회수 보일러용 소재(탄소강 계열 및 듀플렉스 스테인리스강(UNS S32205))의 황산농도에 따른 부식거동 비교 연구
Yu Sung Jang, Jin Sung Park, Seung Gab Hong, Sung Jin Kim
장유성, 박진성, 홍승갑, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):830-841.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.830

This study examined the effects of sulfuric acid concentrations on the corrosion behaviors of three types of commercial steels, conventional carbon steel (SA192), sulfuric acid dew resistant steel (S-TEN), and duplex stainless steel (S32205), considered to be potential materials for the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in combined cycle power..... More

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842 Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Sb-doped SnSe2 Polycrystalline Alloys
Seung Min Kang, Jong Wook Rho, Hyungyu Cho, Sanghyun Park, Joontae Park, Sang-il Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):842-848.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.842

SnSe2 alloys have been investigated in recent times as potential n-type thermoelectric materials. In this study, the thermoelectric transport properties of a series of Sb-doped SnSe2, Sn(Se1-xSbx)2 (x = 0, 0.015, 0.03, 0.045, 0.06) alloys are investigated. The electrical conductivity was generally enhanced with Sb doping owing to a large..... More

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849 Alleviating the Polysulfide Shuttle Effect by Optimization of 3D Flower-Shaped Vanadium Dioxide for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
이산화바나듐 나노플라워 구조 최적화를 통한 리튬-황 전지의 폴리설파이드 셔틀 효과 완화
Su Hwan Jeong, Hyeon-jun Choi, Sang Jun Lee, Dong Park Lee, Suyoon Eum, San Moon, Jong Hyuk Yun, Joo-Hyung Kim
정수환, 최현준, 이상준, 이동박, 엄수윤, 문산, 윤종혁, 김주형
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):849-856.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.849

With the rapid development of portable devices and Energy Storage Systems (ESS), secondary batteries with high energy density and high capacity are in great demand. Among various candidates, Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have been considered for next-generation energy devices given their high theoretical capacity (1675 mAh g-1) and energy density (2500..... More

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857 The Mechanism Behind the High zT of SnSe2 Added SnSe at High Temperatures
SnSe2 결함 도입으로 인한 SnSe의 고온 열전성능 증대 메커니즘
JunSu Kim, Seong-Mee Hwang, Hyunjin Park, Yinglu Tang, Won-Seon Seo, Chae Woo Ryu, Heesun Yang, Weon Ho Shin, Hyun-Sik Kim
김준수, 황성미, 박현진, Yinglu Tang, 서원선, 류채우, 양희선, 신원호, 김현식
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):857-866.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.857

SnSe is a promising thermoelectric material due to its low toxicity, low thermal conductivity, and multiple valence band structures, which are ideal for high electronic transport properties. The multiple valence band structure has attracted many attempts to engineer the carrier concentration of the SnSe via doping, to place its fermi..... More

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867 Changes in Microstructure, Mechanical and Electrical Properties with Progress of Cold Wire-Drawing for AA1070
Sang-Hyeon Jo, Seong-Hee Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):867-873.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.867

Commercial AA1070 alloy for electrical wire is severely deformed by the drawing process when a rod with a diameter of 2 mm is greatly reduced to 0.4 mm by multi-pass. Changes in the microstructure, mechanical properties, and electrical properties of the Al alloy during the wire-drawing process were investigated in..... More

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874 Predicting the Hardness of Al-Sc-X Alloys with Machine Learning Models, Explainable Artificial Intelligence Analysis and Inverse Design
설명 가능한 인공지능으로 해석한 Al-Sc-X 합금의 경도 예측 기계학습 모델과 역설계
Jiwon Park, Su-Hyeon Kim, Jisu Kim, Byung-joo Kim, Hyun-seok Cheon, Chang-Seok Oh
박지원, 김수현, 김지수, 김병주, 천현석, 오창석
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):874-882.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.874

In this study, the Vickers hardness of precipitation-strengthened Al-Sc-X (X = Zr, Si, and Fe) alloys were predicted using machine learning models, depending on the alloys’ compositions, solid-solution treatment and aging conditions. The data used for machine learning were collected from the literature. Among the models, tree-based ensemble models such..... More

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