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Effect of Ni-P Coating Layer on the Solidification Cracking of Cu-Steel Dissimilar Welds for Li-Ion Battery Pack Manufacturing
리튬이온 배터리용 Cu-Steel 이종 레이저 용접부 응고균열에 미치는 Ni-P 도금의 영향
Jae-Hyeon Park, Myung-Jin Kim, Heeshin Kang, Eun-Joon Chun
박재현, 김명진, 강희신, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(7):503-510.   Published online 2024 Jun 28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.7.503

This study investigated the effect of a Ni-P coating layer on the solidification cracking behavior of Cu–mild steel dissimilar welds during the manufacturing of cylindrical Li-ion battery packs for electric vehicles. Four Cu plates were prepared and characterized: uncoated Cu and three levels (12, 50, and 100 μm) of Ni–P-coated..... More

Effect of Single Crystal Growth and Solidification Grain Boundaries on Weld Solidification Cracking Behavior of CMSX-4 Superalloy
CMSX-4 초내열합금 용접 응고균열 거동에 미치는 단결정 성장 및 응고결정립계의 영향
Kyeong-Min Kim, Ye-Seon Jeong, D.V. Kiran, Suk-Hwan Kwon, Seong-Moon Seo, Eun-Joon Chun
김경민, 정예선, D.V. Kiran, 권석환, 서성문, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(1):22-31.   Published online 2023 Dec 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.1.22

Single-crystal superalloys have been popularly employed in high-temperature parts of gas turbines, such as blades. However, the welds of such alloys are highly susceptible to solidification cracking, which limits their applicability to high-temperature turbine blades. In this study, the effects of characteristics of weld solidification on solidification cracking susceptibilities (solidification..... More

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Method of Suppressing Solidification Cracking by Laser Surface Melting and Epitaxial Growth Behavior for Directionally Solidified 247LC Superalloy
레이저 급속 표면용융에 따른 일방향응고 247LC 초내열합금의 에피택셜 성장 및 응고균열 억제 방안
Kyeong-Min Kim, Eun-Joon Chun
김경민, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(4):252-260.   Published online 2023 Mar 22
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.4.252

In this study, the relationship between solidification cracking and epitaxial growth behavior with the high-speed laser surface melting of a directionally solidified 247LC superalloys was fundamentally and metallurgically investigated, to develop a successful welding procedure for the next generation of gas turbine blades. Under typical laser surface melting conditions (scan..... More

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Variation of liquation cracking susceptibility for over–aged 247LC superalloy repair weld heat–affected zone
장시간 열간노출에 따른 247LC 초내열합금 보수용접 열영향부의 액화균열민감도 변화
Hye-Eun Jeong, Seong-Moon Seo, Eun-Joon Chun
정혜은, 서성문, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(2):69-75.   Published online 2023 Jan 27
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.2.69

In this study, the liquation cracking temperature range (LCTR) of over-aged 247LC superalloy repair welds was quantitatively evaluated using spot-Varestraint testing, especially for application in the repair weld heat-affected zone (HAZ). The metallurgical mechanism of the evaluated liquation cracking susceptibility and variation of the LCTRs of the over-aged 247LC superalloys..... More

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Evaluation of Liquation Cracking Susceptibility of CM247LC Superalloy Repair Welds via Pre-Weld Varestraint Test
Pre-weld Varestraint 시험을 이용한 CM247LC 초내열합금 보수용접부 액화균열 민감도 평가
Ye-Seon Jeong, Jingon Jeong, Se-Yun Kim, Sung-Hwan Bae, Uijong Lee, Hyungsoo Lee, Seong-Moon Seo, Eun-Joon Chun
정예선, 정진곤, 김세윤, 배성환, 이의종, 이형수, 서성문, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(4):272-281.   Published online 2022 Mar 28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.4.272

In this study, the liquation cracking susceptibility in the heat-affected zone of CM247LC superalloy gas turbine blades during repair welding was quantitatively evaluated using a newly developed pre-weld Varestraint test method. The repair welding geometry was replicated through Varestraint tests for the pre-weld bead. The liquation cracking susceptibility, that is,..... More

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Effect of ERNiFeCr-2 Filler Metal on Solidification Cracking Susceptibility of CM247LC Superalloy Welds
ERNiFeCr-2 용가재 적용에 따른 CM247LC 초내열합금 용접부 응고균열 민감도 변화 거동
Kyeong-Min Kim, Hye-Eun Jeong, Ye-Seon Jeong, Uijong Lee, Hyungsoo Lee, Seong-Moon Seo, Eun-Joon Chun
김경민, 정혜은, 정예선, 이의종, 이형수, 서성문, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(10):698-708.   Published online 2021 Sep 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.10.698

The metallurgical aspects of weld solidification cracking in Ni-based superalloys (with Ti+Al > 5 mass%) have not been widely investigated thus far. Herein, the solidification cracking susceptibility of the CM247LC superalloy and its welds with ERNiFeCr-2 filler wire was quantitatively evaluated using a novel modified Varestraint testing method, for the..... More

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Evaluation and Control of Liquation Cracking Susceptibility for CM247LC Superalloy Weld Heat-Affected Zone via Visualization-Based Varestraint Test
가시화 기반 Varestraint 시험을 이용한 CM247LC 초내열합금 용접 열영향부의 액화균열 민감도 평가 및 제어
Ye-Seon Jeong, Kyeong-Min Kim, Hyungsoo Lee, Seong-Moon Seo, Eun-Joon Chun
정예선, 김경민, 이형수, 서성문, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(7):445-458.   Published online 2021 Jun 11
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.7.445

The metallurgical aspects of weld cracking in Ni-based superalloys remain relatively unexplored in existing research. The present study performed comprehensive metallurgical and manufactural investigations into the weldability of an Ni-based superalloy, CM247LC, from the viewpoint of the liquation cracking behavior and its susceptibility. Metallurgical solutions to suppress the liquation-cracking susceptibility..... More

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Evaluation of Liquation Cracking Behavior and Susceptibility in Heat-Affected Zone of CM247LC Superalloy Welds for Turbine Blade Application
CM247LC 초내열합금 터빈 블레이드 용접 열영향부의 액화균열 발생 거동 및 민감도 평가
Ye-Seon Jeong, Kyeong-Min Kim, Uijong Lee, Hyungsoo Lee, Seong-Moon Seo, Eun-Joon Chun
정예선, 김경민, 이의종, 이형수, 서성문, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(12):875-886.   Published online 2020 Dec 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.12.875

In this study, the weldability of the as-cast CM247LC superalloy for turbine blade applications was metallurgically evaluated in terms of its hot cracking behavior and susceptibility. For this purpose, a real blade was manufactured using a directional solidification casting process, and gas tungsten arc welding was performed at the tip..... More

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Improvement of Wear Resistance in Laser Shock-Peened Copper Contacts
Donghyuck Jung, Changkyoo Park, Eun-Joon Chun, Yoon-Jun Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(8):560-565.   Published online 2020 Jul 27
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.8.560

This study investigated the influence of laser shock peening without coating (LSPw/oC) on the degradation of copper electrical contacts. A theoretical calculation of the plastic-affected depth (PAD) induced by LSPw/oC was performed, based on the laser-induced plasma pressure along with the Hugoniot elastic limit of our LSPw/oC experimental conditions. The..... More

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Effect of Cladding Conditions on Solidification Cracking Behavior during Dissimilar Cladding of Inconel Alloy FM 52 and 308L Stainless Steel to Carbon Steel: Evaluation of Solidification Brittle Temperature Range by Transverse−Varestraint Test
인코넬 FM52 및 308L 스테인리스강을 이용한 탄소강 이종 클래딩 및 공정변수에 따른 응고균열 발생 거동 변화: Transverse-Varestraint 시험을 이용한 응고취성 온도범위 평가
Yookyung Kim, Byungrok Moon, Namhyun Kang, Eun-Joon Chun
김유경, 문병록, 강남현, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(6):403-412.   Published online 2020 May 14
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.6.403

In this study, solidification cracking behavior and susceptibility in dissimilar cladding of Inconel alloy FM 52, 308L stainless steel to carbon steel, was investigated by submerged arc welding and transverse−Varestraint testing with gas tungsten arc welding. The effect of cladding conditions on cracking behavior and susceptibility was extensively evaluated, and..... More

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Nanostructuring Behavior of NiCrBSi and CoCrWC Thermal Spray Coatings Formed by Temperature-Controlled Laser Heat Treatment
온도 제어형 레이저 열처리에 따른 NiCrBSi 및 CoCrWC 용사 코팅층의 나노구조 형성 거동
Eun-Joon Chun
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(4):247-256.   Published online 2020 Mar 10
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.4.247

.For surface hardening of a continuous casting mold component, a thermal spray coating of NiCrBSi (Metco-16C) and CoCrWC (Stellite-1) was performed followed by laser heat treatment of the coatings. To support selective modification of the thermal spray coating, a metallurgically determined surface temperature was maintained during the laser heat treatment,..... More

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Study on the Selective Surface Modification of Injection Mold Steels by Laser Materials Processing: Relationship Between AlN Formation and Surface Hardening During Laser Nitriding
레이저 가공 기반 사출 금형강의 선택적 표면 개질 연구: 레이저 나이트라이딩에 따른 AlN 형성 및 경화 거동
Eun-Joon Chun, Changkyoo Park, Wonah Park
천은준, 박창규, 박원아
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(1):32-40.   Published online 2019 Dec 12
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.1.32

Laser surface heat treatment and laser nitriding processes were applied using selective surface modification techniques to investigate phase transformation, microstructural evolution, and surface hardening behaviors for two types of plastic injection mold steels, AISI 1045 and P21. During laser surface heat treatment, a 245% hardness increase compared to that of..... More

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