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Table of Contents | September, 2021  Vol. 59   No.9 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Research Papers
589 The Cause of Intergranular (IG) Fracture by Thermal Embrittlement in SA508 of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Steel
압력 용기 재료 SA508에서 열적 처리에 따른 입계 파괴의 원인
Sung Soo Kim, Jung Jong Yeob, Young Suk Kim
김성수, 정종엽, 김영석
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):589-601.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.589

Intergranular(IG) fracture due to thermal treatment has been reported in a reactor pressure vessel(RPV) steel of Russian light water reactor in last decade. This is attributed to grain boundary segregation of phosphorus (P) or precipitation of carbide, etc.. This is a finding a difference in microstructure before and after IG..... More

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602 Influence of Si and Al contents and isothermal treatment condition on the microstructure and tensile properties in ultra-high strength Fe-0.2C-2.0Mn martensite-bainite complex phase steels
Si 및 Al 함량과 항온열처리조건이 초고강도 마르텐사이트-베이나이트 Fe-0.2C-2.0Mn 복합조직강의 미세조직과 인장특성에 미치는 영향
Eung Hyuk Lee, Chang Jae Yu, Hong-Bum Lee, Ji-Hoon Kim, Dong-Woo Suh
이응혁, 유창재, 이홍범, 김지훈, 서동우
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):602-612.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.602

This study investigated the influence of partial replacement of Si by Al on the microstructure and tensile properties of ultra-high strength steels with martensite-bainite complex microstructure produced by austenitization and subsequent isothermal heat treatment around Ms temperature. When the isothermal heat treatment was done below the Ms temperature, the fraction..... More

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613 Development of PosMAC® Steel and Its Application Properties
고내식 합금도금 PosMAC® 강판의 개발과 응용 특성
Il-Ryoung Sohn, Tae-Chul Kim, Gwang-Il Ju, Myung-Soo Kim, Jong-Sang Kim
손일령, 김태철, 주광일, 김명수, 김종상
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):613-623.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.613

PosMAC® is a hot dipping Zn-Mg-Al coated steel sheet developed by POSCO. PosMAC®3.0 shows excellent anti-corrosion performance and is suitable for construction and solar energy systems in severe corrosive environments. PosMAC®1.5 has a superior surface quality and is preferred for automotive and home appliances. The advanced anti-corrosion properties of PosMAC®..... More

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624 A Study on the Effect of Multi-Axial Forging Type on the Deformation Heterogeneity of AA1100 Using Finite Element Analysis
유한요소해석을 이용한 AA1100의 변형 불균일성에 미치는 다축 단조 유형의 영향 연구
Min-Seong Kim, Jeong Gyun Kim, Tae Hyun Yoo, You Yeon Jo, Seong Lee, Hyo-Tae Jeong, Shi-Hoon Choi
김민성, 김정균, 유태현, 조유연, 이성, 정효태, 최시훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):624-639.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.624

The effect of 3 forging routes (Route A - 1~12 passes by plane forging (PF) and reverse-plane forging (R-PF), Route B – 1~6 passes by PF and R-PF, 7~12 passes by diagonal forging (DF) and reversediagonal forging (R-DF), Route C – 1~12 passes by DF and R-DF) on maximum load..... More

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640 Effect of Interfacial Intermetallic Compounds Morphology on Mechanical Properties of Laser Brazing of Aluminum to Steel
Kwang-Hyeon Lee, Su-Jin Lee, In-Duck Park, Kwang-Deok Choi, Chung-Yun Kang, Jeong Suh, Tae-Jin Yoon
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):640-651.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.640

The paper provides experimental details of the welding and specific examples of welding aluminum welding battery cans and conductive tabs for battery pack manufacture. In this study, we provide experimental details of a process for joining dissimilar materials used in sealing battery parts. A laser brazing technique was used for..... More

652 Evaluation of Cooling Performance of an Additive Manufactured Gravity Die Casting Mold with Conformal Cooling Channel
적층제조 공정으로 구현된 형상 적응형 냉각채널 적용 다이캐스팅 금형의 냉각성능 평가
Yu Jin Park, Eok Soo Kim, Jeong Hun Lee, Ji Hwan Choi, Pil Hwan Yoon, Ho Jeong Kang, Dong Hyun Kim, Yong Ho Park, Jong Wan Ko
박유진, 김억수, 이정훈, 최지환, 윤필환, 강호정, 김동현, 박용호, 고종완
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):652-663.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.652

A cooling channel with an optimized design provides not only high throughput with gravity die casting, but also guarantees product quality. A conformal cooling channel (CC) whose structure follows the shapes or surfaces of the mold cavity has attracted great attention in the die casting industry, because it allows rapid..... More

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664 Fabrication of Semi-transparent W film Heaters via Phase Transformation
텅스텐 나노박막의 상변태를 이용한 반투명 면상발열체 형성 연구
Jiyun Choi, Dooho Choi
최지윤, 최두호
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):664-669.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.664

In this study, we prepared highly thermostable semi-transparent heaters composed of W layers with thicknesses of 1-20 nm, on which a 30 nm-thick ZnO layer was deposited to serve as an anti-oxidation barrier. The optical transmittance and sheet resistance of the heaters could be greatly modulated by varying the W..... More

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670 Porous MnO2/ carbon Hybrid Material with Improved Electrochemical Performance
Venugopal Nulu
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):670-676.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.670

In this work, MnO2 nanoparticles were embedded in a carbon matrix as a porous composite, fabricated using a simple chemical route followed by low-temperature annealing, with activated carbon (AC) as the carbon source in the composite preparation. The porous MnO2/carbon structures contained some selective nanoparticles coated with carbon. The structural..... More

677 Low Temperature Growth of One-Dimensional Al and Al2O3 Nano/Micro-Structures Using Al and SnO2 Powder Mixture
Al과 SnO2 혼합 분말을 사용한 일차원 Al과 Al2O3 나노/마이크로구조의 저온 성장
Geun-Hyoung Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):677-681.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.677

One-dimensional Al and Al2O3 nano/microstructures were fabricated via thermal oxidation of Al and SnO2 powder mixtures at temperatures below the melting point of Al (660 oC). Furthermore, the synthesis process was carried out in air at atmospheric pressure, which made the process very simple and easy. Sn metal particles with..... More

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