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453 |
Metastable Phase Transformation of Beta Titanium Alloys by Slip Mechanism
베타 타이타늄 합금의 슬립기구에 의한 준안정 상변태
Byung Hak Choe, Hyeon Su Jang, Bum Kyu Lee, Ka Ram Lim, Young Sang Na, Yong Taek Hyun, Seung Eon Kim, Young Uk Kim, Chan Sung Park최병학, 장현수, 이범규, 임가람, 나영상, 현용택, 김승언, 김영욱, 박찬성
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):453-459. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
Extensive studies of the metastable structures in beta Ti alloys have investigated the ambiguity of the unstable phase. Their microstructural characteristics have been observed to have a modulated structure, and spot satellites of diffraction in TEM, however the formation mechanisms have not been successfully interpreted because of the resolution limit..... More
460 |
The Effects of Alloying Elements, Cr, Si, and Transformation Temperature on the Microstructures and Tensile Properties of Hyper-Eutectoid Steels
과공석강에서 합금원소 Cr, Si 첨가 및 상변태 온도가 미세조직 변화와 인장성질에 미치는 영향
Jung Hoon Park, Shin Woong Jeong, Won Jong Nam박정훈, 정신웅, 남원종
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):460-469. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
The effects of alloying elements, especially Cr and Si, and transformation temperature on the microstructures and mechanical properties of hyper-eutectoid steels were investigated. Increases in Si and Cr changed the morphology of cementite in upper bainite, while the morphology of pearlite seemed to be unchanged by the amount of alloying..... More
470 |
Acceleration of Nano-Sized NbC Precipitation and Improvement of Creep Resistance in Alumina-Forming Austenitic Stainless Steel via Cold Working
Alumina-Forming 오스테나이트계 스테인리스강의 냉간가공을 통한 미세 NbC 석출 촉진과 크리프 특성 향상
Hyun Hwa Park, Jun Yun Kang, Heon-Young Ha, Tae-Ho Lee, Hyun Uk Hong박현화, 강전연, 하헌영, 이태호, 홍현욱
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):470-476. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
A feasibility study on microstructure design has been carried out to improve creep rupture life in alumina-forming austenitic (AFA) Fe-14Cr-20Ni-2.3Al stainless steel with and without 2 wt% W addition. After creep tests under 780 °C/80 MPa conditions, it was observed that internal cracks initiated primarily from grain boundaries in the..... More
477 |
Hot Deformation Behavior of As-cast Low Nickel Fe-22Cr-9.5Mn-3.3Ni Austenite Steel
니켈감량 Fe-22Cr-9.5Mn-3.3Ni 오스테나이트강 주조재의 고온 변형성
Sang Yeon Ahn, Jae Sook Song, Sun Ig Hong안상연, 송재숙, 홍순익
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):477-485. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
The hot deformation behavior of as-cast and homogenized Fe-22Cr-9.5Mn-3.3Ni stainless steel was investigated over a temperature range between 600~1,250 ℃. The deformability of the as-cast Fe-22Cr-9.5Mn-3.3Ni steel decreased with increasing temperature up to 850 ℃, and then increased at temperatures between 900 and 1200 ℃ caused by dynamic recrystallization at..... More
486 |
Microstructural Changes of 22Cr-9Mo-3Fe-4Nb Ni-Base Superalloy during Creep
Youngseok Song, Jinik Suk, Chung-Yun Kang
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):486-491. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
A new Ni based superalloy is considered as bucket material because of high fatigue resistance with fine grain. However a bucket is usually exposed to high temperature for a long time, so creep rupture tests were conducted to understand the microstructure evolution during creep deformation under various stresses at temperatures..... More
492 |
Effect of E-Beams Irradiation Dose on the Sensing Properties of Pt-Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxides Following Annealing of the 6 nm-Thick Pt Layer
Yong Jung Kwon, Ali Mirzaei, Han Gil Na, Sung Yong Kang, Myung Sik Choi, Jae Hoon Bang, Jaegab Lee, Inpil Kang, Sang Sub Kim, Hyoun Woo Kim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):492-502. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
Pt-functionalized RGO samples were prepared and subsequently irradiated with 2-MeV electron beams (e-beams). The effect of e-beam dose on the structural, electrical, and gas sensing properties of the samples was investigated. E-beam irradiation was found to induce significant microstructural changes in the Pt-functionalized RGO. Measurements of NO 2 sensing at room..... More
503 |
Effect of Preparation Methods on the Electrochemical Performance of All-solid-state Li-S Batteries
탄소-황 복합 전극 제조 방법에 따른 리튬-황 전고체 전지 성능 변화
Han Ul Choi, Ju Sung Jin, Hyung-Tae Lim최한울, 진주성, 임형태
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):503-508. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
All-solid-state Li-S batteries were fabricated with lithium silicide anodes (Li 4. 4Si), sulfide-based glass electrolyte (Li 2S-P 2S 5), and a sulfur composite cathode. The sulfur based composite cathode was prepared using two methods; (Case 1) mortar-mixing and (Case 2) planetary ball milling at a rotation speed of 370 rev/min for 15 min. SEM analysis..... More
509 |
Effects of Dispersion Solvent on the Spray Coating Deposition of Silver Nanowires
스프레이 코팅법으로 증착된 은나노선의 특성에 미치는 분산용매의 영향
Ji-Hye Choe, A-Yeon Jang, Jeong-Heui Kim, Choong-Heui Chung, Ki-Ha Hong최지혜, 장아연, 김정희, 정중희, 홍기하
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):509-514. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
Silver nanowire (AgNWs) networks offer a promising approach for producing cost effective transparent electrode materials. However, high temperature annealing is necessary to achieve low sheet resistance, which limits the use of AgNWs for low temperature processing applications such as flexible electronics, and perovskites solar cell fabrication. This study shows that..... More
515 |
Effect of Overflow Geometry and Injection Speed on the Casting Product during the Magnesium Alloy Die-casting Process for Thin-walled Electronic Housing Components
마그네슘 합금 박육 부품 다이캐스팅 주조시 오버플로우 형상 및 주입속도가 주조 품질에 미치는 영향
Eui-Hyuk Kwon, Jaehong Kwon, Beyong-Chul Kim, Jeong-Whan Han권의혁, 권재홍, 김병철, 한정환
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):515-522. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
Casting defects such as gas traps and oxide particles must be removed in the die-casting process in order to obtain good cast products. Experimental research is costly and time-consuming, so computer simulations are typically performed in advance and then compared to experimental results. In this paper, a magnesium alloy die-casting..... More
523 |
Thermal Conductivity of Double-Layer Clad Metals along the Thickness Direction Using Light Flash Analysis and Estimation Models
2층금속 클래드메탈의 두께방향으로 섬광법 적용 열전도도 측정과 예측모델 연구
Jong-Gu Kim, Jae-Hoon Ju, Dong-Yong Kim, Sung Hyuk Park, Young-Rae Cho김종구, 주재훈, 김동용, 박성혁, 조영래
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(7):523-528. Published online 2017 Jul 4 DOI:
Heat transfer plays a critical role in the fabrication of high efficiency electronic devices. Double-layer clad metals consisting of stainless steel (STS) and aluminum (Al) alloy were fabricated by the roll bonding process, and their thermal conductivity was calculated using measurements of density, specific heat, and thermal diffusivity obtained by..... More