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Factors Influencing Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation(PEO) Coatings on Magnesium Alloys: A Review
마그네슘 합금의 플라스마전해산화 코팅에 영향을 미치는 제반 요소들에 대한 고찰
Gunchoo Shim심건주
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):296-307. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
Magnesium alloys, which possess excellent specific strength and castability, are highly susceptible to corrosion. Although anodizing is widely used to resolve this problem, it requires toxic electrolytes and produces relatively thin and weak surface coatings. Recently, plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) has emerged as an alternative to anodizing. Although it is... More
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Effect of Mn, Si, and Sb on High-temperature Oxidation of Fe-Mn-Al-Si-Sb-C Steels
Fe-Mn-Al-Si-Sb-C 강의 고온산화에 미치는 Mn, Si, Sb 첨가효과
Soon Yong Park, Dong Bok Lee박순용, 이동복
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):308-314. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
High Mn twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steels with compositions of Fe-(18.0-18.17) Mn-1.51Al-(0.48-0.52)Si-(0.61-0.62)C-(0.52-0.54)Cr-(0.22-0.23)Ni-0.03Nb-(0-0.04)Sb (wt%) are oxidized at 650 ℃ and 750 ℃ for < 24 h in air in order to determine the effect of the alloying elements on the oxidation. They are oxidized parabolically to MnO 2,Mn 2O 3,FeO,Fe 2O 3, and FeMn 2O 4 oxides with relatively..... More
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Synthesis of Cu-coated Graphite Powders Using a Chemical Reaction Process
화학반응법을 이용한 Cu-coated 복합분체 합성
Jun-Ho Jang, Hyun-Kuk Park, Jae-Won Lim, Ik-Hyun Oh장준호, 박현국, 임재원, 오익현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):315-319. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
In this paper, Cu-coated graphite powders for a low thermal expansion coefficient and a high thermal conductivity are fabricated using a chemical reaction process. The Cu particles adhere to the irregular graphite powders and they homogeneously disperse in the graphite matrix. Cu-coated graphite powders are coarser at approximately 3~4 ㎛..... More
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Review of the Control Parameter for Hydraulic Mold Oscillation in Continuous Casters
연속주조의 유압식 주형진동 제어인자 고찰
Gi Pan Kang, Seong Yeon Kim, Sang Hyeon Lee강기판, 김성연, 이상현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):320-327. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
In order to improve the flexibility of the oscillation pattern for a wide range of casting speeds, a hydraulic cylinder is used to oscillate the mold that moves up and down according to the stroke and frequency given by controller. Currently, hydraulic oscillators are commonly used in continuous casting facilities,..... More
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Soft Magnetic Properties of Fe-based Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Hybrid Materials
철계 비정질/나노 결정 하이브리드 소재의 연자성 특성
Yeonjoo Lee, Jonggyu Jeon, Teasuk Jang, Minwoo Lee, Yongjin Kim, Dongyeol Yang, Mijung Lee, Hyunjoo Choi이연주, 전종규, 장태석, 이민우, 김용진, 양동열, 이미정, 최현주
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):328-334. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
In this study, the effect of the crystalline structure on the magnetic properties of Fe-based amorphous powder is investigated. The Fe-B-P-C-Nb-Hf amorphous powder with excellent soft magnetic properties is prepared via gas-atomization, and the atomized amorphous powder is annealed in order to generate a small amount of nanosized crystallites in..... More
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Effects of the Air Flow Rate and Electrolyte Thickness on the Durability of Yttria-doped Barium Cerate (BCY)-based Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
BCY 기반 고체산화물 연료전지의 내구성에 영향을 미치는 인자에 대한 연구
Seon Yeong Bae, Mi Young Park, Jong Gyu Lee, Hyung-Tae Lim배선영, 박미영, 이종규, 임형태
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):335-341. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
Anode-supported yttria-doped barium cerate (BCY) electrolyte cells are fabricated and durability tests are conducted as a function of the current density (cell voltage sign), air flow rate, and BCY electrolyte thickness. As the air flow rate increases and the current density decreases (from negative to positive cell voltage), the cell..... More
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High-strength Ti Alloy Prepared via Promoting Interstitial-Carbon Diffusion
침입형 탄소 확산을 이용하여 제조한 고강도 Ti 합금
Bo-Young Kim, Se-Hyun Ko, Jae-Chul Lee김보영, 고세현, 이재철
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):342-347. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
Feasibility studies are performed to determine the suitability of a novel simple synthesis technique for fabricating a new Ti alloy with improved strength and ductility, while exhibiting lower cell toxicity. Through consolidating pure Ti powders under a C atmosphere at elevated temperatures, a bulk form of the Ti alloy, in..... More
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Effect of Temperature and Flow Velocity on the Cathodic Protection of Ships and Underwater Electromagnetic Signatures
온도 및 유속이 선박의 음극방식 및 수중 전자기장 신호 특성에 미치는 영향
Yong-Sang Kim, Kyoung-Min Kim, Sangkyu Lee, Jung-Gu Kim김용상, 김경민, 이상규, 김정구
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):348-356. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
The effects of the temperature and flow velocity on the cathodic protection and underwater electromagnetic signature of ships are investigated using electrochemical tests and boundary element simulations. The corrosion resistance of the materials for the hull and propeller increase at lower temperatures, and the corrosion resistance is significantly decreased under..... More
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Phase Transformation Behavior of Oxide Particles Formed in Mechanically Alloyed Fe-5Y2O3 Powder
Fe-5Y2O3 조성의 기계적 합금화 분말에 형성된 산화물의 상변태 거동
Ga Eon Kim, Jung-Sun Choi, Sanghoon Noh, Suk Hoon Kang, Byoung Kwon Choi, Young Do Kim, Tae Kyu Kim김가언, 최정선, 노상훈, 강석훈, 최병권, 김영도, 김태규
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):357-362. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
The phase transformation behavior of the oxides formed in mechanically alloyed Fe-5Y 2O 3 powder is investigated. Non-stoichiometric Y-rich and Fe-rich oxides with sizes of less than 300 nm are observed in the mechanically alloyed powder. The diffusion and redistribution reactions of the elements in these oxides during heating of the powder..... More
363 |
Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Microstructure, Tensile Properties, and Fracture Behavior of Cold-Rolled High-Mn Light-Weight Steels
고망간 경량철강 냉연판재의 미세조직, 인장특성 및 파괴거동에 미치는 어닐링 온도의 영향
Jae-hyun Lee, Seong-Jun Park, Joonoh Moon, Jun-Yun Kang, Jun-Young Park, Tae-Ho Lee, Kyung Mox Cho이재현, 박성준, 문준오, 강전연, 박준영, 이태호, 조경목
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):363-371. Published online 2017 May 9 DOI:
The effects of the annealing temperature on the microstructure and tensile properties of cold-rolled light-weight steels are investigated using two Fe-30Mn-xAl-0.9C alloys that contain different Al content. The initial alloy microstructure is composed of a single austenite or a mixture of austenite and ferrite depending on the nominal aluminum content.... More