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801 |
Comparative Analysis of Microstructure and Collision Performance of TWB Hot Stamped Parts with Various Strength Combinations
강도조합에 따른 TWB 핫스탬핑 부품의 미세구조 및 충돌성능 비교 분석
Chang Wook Lee, Yeonjung Hwang, Uk Heo, Byung Gil Yoo, Ji Hong Yoo, Taejeong Kim, Kwang Min Yoon이창욱, 황연정, 허욱, 유병길, 유지홍, 김태정, 윤광민
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):801-810. Published online 2022 Oct 31 DOI:
Hot stamping technology has been steadily developed because it provides both excellent formability and high strength. With the development of TWB hot stamping technology, it is now possible to freely apply the required strength and thickness in the right place. In this study, the microstructure and collision performance of TWB..... More
811 |
Effect of Microstructure on Strain Aging and Hydrogen Embrittlement Behavior of Bake Hardening Steels
소부경화강의 변형 시효 및 수소취성 거동에 미치는 미세조직의 영향
Jae-Yun Kim, Seok-Woo Ko, Byoungchul Hwang김재윤, 고석우, 황병철
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):811-818. Published online 2022 Oct 31 DOI:
The strain aging and hydrogen embrittlement behavior of two bake hardening (BH) steels with different microstructures were investigated in this study. The single-phase BH steel was composed of fully ferrite, while the dual-phase BH steel consisted of ferrite and 3 % martensite. The BH index and aging index (AI) of..... More
819 |
An Optimization of Manufacturing Process of SS304L Using Direct Energy Deposition Method
DED 공정에서의 SS304L 적층 조건 최적화
Sung Eun Kim, Sung Chan Yoo, Hyun-Gil Kim김성은, 유승찬, 김현길
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):819-826. Published online 2022 Oct 31 DOI:
The direct energy deposition (DED) method is an emerging manufacturing technique that has been recently highlighted due to its capabilities to coat materials with complex geometry for high temperature and highly corrosive environmental applications, such as steam turbine blade. Amongst metallic materials, SS304L has been reported to have superior corrosion..... More
827 |
Paste Containing 1.5 μm Ag Particles with Enhanced Surface Area: Ultrafast Thermo-Compression Sinter-Bonding and Annealing Effects
표면적이 발달된 1.5 μm Ag 입자 기반 페이스트의 초고속 열압착 소결접합 및 열처리 효과
Yeongjung Kim, Byeong Jo Han, Jong-Hyun Lee김영중, 한병조, 이종현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):827-836. Published online 2022 Oct 31 DOI:
To rapidly sinter a bondline and obtain mechanical stability at high temperature and high thermal conductivity, 1.5 μm Ag particles with enhanced surface area were synthesized by a wet-chemical method, and a sinter-bonding paste containing these Ag particles was obtained. Some particles were present in the form of agglomerates of..... More
837 |
Recovery of Palladium Metal with High Purity by Selective Reduction from Inorganic Acid Leaching Solutions of Cemented Zinc
아연치환체의 무기산 침출액에서 선택적 환원에 의한 고순도 팔라듐금속의 회수
Si Jeong Song, Viet Nhan Hoa Nguyen, Man Seung Lee송시정, Viet Nhan Hoa Nguyen, 이만승
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):837-844. Published online 2022 Oct 31 DOI:
A small amount of Pd(II) present in spent electroplating solutions is concentrated by cementation. In this work, a process was developed to recover pure palladium metal by selective reduction from the hydrochloric and the sulfuric acid leaching solutions of cemented zinc. For this purpose, hydrazine and ascorbic acid were employed..... More
845 |
Lithiation/De-lithiation through Conversion and Alloying Reactions in MAPbBr3 Single Crystal Flake Li-ion Battery Anodes
MAPbBr3 단결정 플레이크 리튬 이온 배터리 전극의 전환반응 및 합금화 반응을 통한 리튬이온 삽입/탈리
In-Seok Kang, Byoung-Nam Park강인석, 박병남
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):845-850. Published online 2022 Oct 31 DOI:
In this study, single-crystalline methylammonium lead tribromide (MAPbBr 3, CH 3NH 3PbBr 3) flakes with a higher theoretical specific capacity than methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI 3, CH 3NH 3PbI 3), the prototype of organic/inorganic hybrid perovskite, were synthesized by the inverse temperature crystallization method. The combination of the additive-free electrophoretic deposition (EPD) system and the single crystal fabrication..... More
851 |
Fabricating and Probing Forsterite Li-ion Battery Anode Electrodes
Forsterite 리튬 이온 배터리 음극 제조 및 전기화학적 반응 탐침
Dong-Ju Kim, Byoung-Nam Park김동주, 박병남
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):851-857. Published online 2022 Oct 31 DOI:
In an effort to minimize irreversible capacity loss and volume expansion, research on Si nanocomposite materials with a SiO x/Mg 2SiO 4/SiO x structure through a magnesiothermic reduction process (MTR) has attracted much attention from researchers. Mg 2SiO 4(forsterite) has been shown to improve the initial coulombic efficiency (ICE) by minimizing the irreversible capacity loss due..... More
858 |
Effects of V Alloying on Thermoelectric Properties of NbFeSb Half-Heusler Materials Codoped with Ti, Zr, and Sn
Sung-Jae Joo, JeongIn Jang, Ji-Hee Son, Bong-Seo Kim, Bok-Ki Min
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):858-864. Published online 2022 Oct 31 DOI:
NbFeSb-based alloys are promising p-type half-Heusler materials with excellent thermoelectric performance, thermal stability, and naturally abundant constituent elements. Alloying and doping are powerful techniques for enhancing the thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler materials. This study experimentally investigated the effects of V alloying in NbFeSb codoped with Ti, Zr, and Sn. As..... More
865 |
Evaluation of Tensile Properties and Microstructure of a Scraped Gas Turbine Blade using Miniature Specimens
미소 시편을 이용한 가스터빈 블레이드 사용품의 인장 및 미세조직 특성평가
Youngdae Kim, Yinsheng He, Jiye Bang, Jinesung Jung김영대, 하인생, 방지예, 정진성
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):865-871. Published online 2022 Oct 31 DOI:
A gas turbine (GT) blade is a key hot-pass component for advanced GT engines, and should have stable properties under extreme conditions of 1,350°C and 3,600rpm, etc. The GT blade, after operating with nearly 800 equivalent start-stops (ES) or 24,000 equivalent operation hours (EOH), should be replaced due to degradation..... More