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761 |
Research Trends and Future Research Directions of Permanent Magnetic Materials
영구자석 재료의 개발현황 및 향후 발전방향
Chul-Jin Choi, Jihoon Park, Jung Tae Lim, Jong-Woo Kim최철진, 박지훈, 임정태, 김종우
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):761-768. Published online 2021 Oct 28 DOI:
Permanent magnetic materials are essential for converting mechanical and electric energy, and are needed in electric vehicles, electronics, wind turbines, and etc. However, high performance rare-earth element based magnets have many limitations, including critical materials problems and the degradation of magnetic properties at elevated temperatures. There has been increasing international..... More
769 |
Effect of Alloying Elements and Microstructure on the Dynamic Strain Aging Behavior of 1.25Cr-0.5Mo and 2.25Cr-1Mo Steels
1.25Cr-0.5Mo과 2.25Cr-1Mo 강의 동적 변형시효 거동에 미치는 합금원소 및 미세조직의 영향
Yo Seob Lee, Ho Jung Lee, Jong Hyeon Lee이요섭, 이호중, 이종현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):769-780. Published online 2021 Oct 28 DOI:
The effect of alloying elements and microstructure on the dynamic strain aging (DSA) behavior of 1.25Cr-0.5Mo (P11, ASTM 335Gr.P11) and 2.25Cr-1Mo (P22, ASTM 335Gr.P22) steels was investigated. For both steels, different cooling conditions such as air-cooling (AC) and oil-quenching (OQ) were applied. Tensile tests were conducted in the temperature range..... More
781 |
Effect of Cooling Rate on The Microstructure And Cryogenic Impact Toughness of HAZ in 9% Ni Steel
Hae Won Eom, Joo Yeon Won, Sang Yong Shin엄해원, 원주연, 신상용
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):781-795. Published online 2021 Oct 28 DOI:
The effects of cooling rate on the microstructure and cryogenic impact toughness of coarse-grained heat-affected zone (CGHAZ) and inter-critically reheated coarse-grained HAZ (IC CGHAZ) in 9% Ni steel were investigated. CGHAZ and IC CGHAZ specimens were prepared from 9% Ni steel by controlling the cooling rate of the simulated welding..... More
796 |
Effect of Joule-Heating Treatment on the Microstructure and Physical Properties of 16-Stranded Compressed Copper Wires
Jin-Ju Choi, Byoungyong Im, Yubin Kang, Dae-Geun Kim최진주, 임병용, 강유빈, 김대근
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):796-801. Published online 2021 Oct 28 DOI:
Compressed wires are produced by cross-sectionally compressing stranded conductors, which results in a smaller conductor diameter. This also leads to a lower weight wire, because a thinner external insulated coating can be used, compared to the low-voltage wires typically used in automobiles. However, a post production heat treatment of the..... More
802 |
Nano Silicon Composite with Gelatin/Melamine Derived N-doped Carbon as an Efficient Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries
Venugopal Nulu
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):802-812. Published online 2021 Oct 28 DOI:
Silicon (Si) has a high theoretical capacity and low working potential vs. Li/Li +, and has been investigated as the most capable negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, Si undergoes significant volume changes during the Li + alloying/ dealloying processes, leading to unstable cycle life and limiting its practical applicability..... More
813 |
Ceramic-Coated Separator to Enhance Cycling Performance of Lithium-ion Batteries at High Current Density
높은 전류밀도에서 리튬이온배터리의 사이클 성능 향상을 위한 세라믹 코팅 분리막 연구
Kyusang Cho, Chandran Balamurugan, Hana Im, Hyeong-Jin Kim조규상, 찬드라 발라무루간, 임하나, 김형진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):813-820. Published online 2021 Oct 28 DOI:
Given the global demand for green energy, the battery industry is positioned to be an important future technology. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), which are the most widely used battery in the market, are the focus of various research and development efforts, from materials to systems, that seek to improve their..... More
821 |
Electrochemical Corrosion Resistance and Electrical Conductivity of Three-Dimensionally Interconnected Graphene-Reinforced Cu Composites
Xue Li, Ateeq Ahmed, Byung-Sang Choi
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):821-828. Published online 2021 Oct 28 DOI:
A three-dimensionally interconnected graphene-reinforced Cu (3Di Gr-Cu) composite was synthesized using a simple two-step process technique which involves the mechanical compaction of micronsized Cu particles followed by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at 995 ℃. The microstructural properties of pure Cu and the 3Di Gr-Cu composite were investigated by optical..... More
829 |
Method for Predicting Thermoelectric Module Efficiency Using MATLAB/Simulink
매트랩/시뮬링크 simulation model을 이용한 열전 모듈의 효율 예측
Nayoung Lee, Sungwook Ye, Rahman Jamil Ur, Jang-Yeul Tak, Jung Young Cho, Won Seon Seo, Weon Ho Shin, Walter Commerell, Woo Hyun Nam, Jong Wook Roh이나영, 예성욱, Rahman Jamil Ur, 탁장렬, 조중영, 서원선, 신원호, Walter Commerell, 남우현, 노종욱
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):829-837. Published online 2021 Oct 28 DOI:
Development new high-performance thermoelectric materials for more efficient power generation systems and eco-friendly refrigerating systems has been challenging. Over the past few decades, thermoelectric studies have been focused on increasing the thermoelectric properties of materials. However, for conventional applications, developing of thermoelectric devices or modules with lower cost and..... More
838 |
Generating the Microstructure of Al-Si Cast Alloys Using Machine Learning
기계학습에 의한 Al-Si 주조 합금 미세조직 이미지 생성
In-Kyu Hwang, Hyun-Ji Lee, Sang-Jun Jeong, In-Sung Cho, Hee-Soo Kim황인규, 이현지, 정상준, 조인성, 김희수
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):838-847. Published online 2021 Oct 28 DOI:
In this study, we constructed a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN) to generate the microstructural images that imitate the real microstructures of binary Al-Si cast alloys. We prepared four combinations of alloys, Al-6wt%Si, Al-9wt%Si, Al-12wt%Si and Al-15wt%Si for machine learning. DCGAN is composed of a generator and a discriminator...... More