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Mechanical Properties of Discontinuous Precipitated Al-Zn Alloys after Drawing at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures
불연속 석출된 Al-Zn 합금의 상온 및 극저온 인발에 따른 미세조직
변화가 기계적 특성에 미치는 영향
Min Soo Kim, Seung Zeon Han, Jehyun Lee, Sung Hwan Lim, Jee Hyuk Ahn, Sang-Shik Kim, Kwang Ho Kim김민수, 한승전, 이재현, 임성환, 안지혁, 김상식, 김광호
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):77-84. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
In order to study the effect of microstructural change on the tensile properties of discontinuous precipitated Al-Zn binary alloy, four different Al-Zn alloys(25, 30, 35, 45 wt% Zn) were aged at 160 ℃ for different aging times(0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 360 min) after being solution treated at 400..... More
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Effect of Incremental Displacement on the Fracture Resistance Curve of Nuclear Piping Materials under Reverse Cyclic Loading
역사이클 하중의 증분변위가 원전배관 재질의 파괴저항곡선에 미치는 영향
Sang-Young Kim김상영
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):85-90. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
Reverse cyclic loading introduces alternatinf tensile and compressive loads to a structure. Several researchers have reported that a reverse cyclic load decreases the fracture resistance curve of carbon steel. In this paper, the fracture toughness of SA312 TP304 stainless steel, which is a nuclear piping material, was investigated under a..... More
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Study on the Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behaviors of Fe-(20, 45) wt% Gd Intermetallics
Fe-(20, 45) wt% Gd 금속간 화합물의 기계적 특성 및 부식 거동 연구
Bo Kyeong Kang, Youl Baik, Yong Choi, Byung Moon Moon강보경, 백열, 최용, 문병문
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):91-97. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
Fe-(20, 45 wt%) Gd intermetallics were vacuum arc melted as the mother alloy of a neutron shielding and absorbing material. The structure of the cast Fe-20 wt% Gd intermetallics had primary dendrites with a short width of about 2 μm, which became coarse with increasing Gd content. The final compositions..... More
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Effect of Added Gas-Atomized Al-Si/SiCp Composite Powder on the Sinterability and Mechanical Properties of Alumix 431 fabricated by Hot-Pressing Process
Eunsun Lee, Jeong-Jung Oak, Yongjin Kim, Yongho Park
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):98-109. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
The aim of this study is to establish an optimized hot-press sintering condition for aluminum matrix composites (AMCs) by analyzing their sintered microstructure and mechanical properties. The fabricated AMCs in this study consisted of a blend of commercial Ecka Alumix 431 powder, and Al-Si/SiC p powder manufactured by gas atomizer (Al-Si/SiC p)...... More
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Effect of Graphene Addition on the Mechanical Properties of TiO2
TiO2 기계적 성질에 미치는 그래핀 첨가 영향
In-Jin Shon손인진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):110-114. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
Despite of the many attractive properties of TiO 2, its low fracture toughness limits many industrial applications. To improve its fracture toughness, the approach commonly utilized has been the addition of a second phase, to form composites, and to make nanostructured composites. In this regard, highly dense nanostructured TiO 2 and TiO 2-graphene..... More
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Effect of Heat Treatment on the Diffusion-Bonded Ni-Base Alloy Hastelloy X
확산접합된 Ni기 합금 Hastelloy X에 미치는 후열처리 영향
Injin Sah, Jong-Bae Hwang, Sun-Ig Hong, Eung-Seon Kim, Min-Hwan Kim사인진, 황종배, 홍순익, 김응선, 김민환
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):115-124. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
The effect of post-bond heat treatment (PBHT) on diffusion-bonded polycrystalline Ni-base alloy Hastelloy X (Ni-22Cr-18Fe-8Mo) was evaluated in this study. Diffusion bonding was conducted under a compressive pressure of 14 MPa in the temperature range of 1100-1200 ℃. While (Cr,Mo)-rich and (Mo,Si)-rich precipitates were developed along the interface at 1100..... More
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Analysis of Deformation and Failure Behaviors of TIG Welded Dissimilar Metal Joints Using Miniature Tensile Specimens
소형 인장시편을 이용한 TIG 용접된 이종금속 접합부의 변형 및 파괴거동 분석
Ji-Hwan Shin, Nabeel Jahanzeb, Min-Seong Kim, Ji-Hyun Hwang, Shi-Hoon Choi신지환, Nabeel Jahanzeb, 김민성, 황지현, 최시훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):125-131. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
The deformation and failure behaviors of dissimilar metal joints between SS400 steel and STS316L steel were investigated. The dissimilar metal joints were fabricated using the tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process with STS309 steel as a filler metal. The microstructures of the dissimilar metal joints were investigated using an optical..... More
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Numerical and Experimental Analysis on the Cavity Formation and Shrinkage for Investment Cast Alloy 738 4 mm-Thick Rectangular Tube
Alloy 738 초내열합금 4 mm 두께 각관의 정밀주조 시 수축공 및 수축변위 해석 및 분석
Myeong-Il Park, Kyeong-Min Kim, Yeong-Chul Lee, Jung-Seok Lee, Jae-Hyun Lee, Jae-Hyun Yoo, Sang-Hu Park, Yoon Suk Choi박명일, 김경민, 이영철, 이정석, 이재현, 유재현, 박상후, 최윤석
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):132-138. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
Investment casting for the thin (4 mm thick) rectangular tube (40 mm wide, 80 mm high and 200 mm long) was carried out numerically and experimentally for Alloy 738, which is a precipitation-hardened Ni-base superalloy. Two types of rectangular tubes, one with a regular array (10 mm by 10 mm..... More
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Effect of Side Lobe Intensity and Photon Shot Noise Effect on the Missing Hole Phenomenon in Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography
극자외선 노광공정에서의 사이드 로브 세기와 포톤 샷 노이즈 효과가 컨택 홀 missing 현상에 미치는 영향
Jung Sik Kim, Seongchul Hong, Yong Ju Jang, Jinho Ahn김정식, 홍성철, 장용주, 안진호
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):139-143. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
The missing hole phenomenon in a wafer pattern is a critical issue in extreme ultraviolet lithography. It occurs randomly, even when the process conditions are consistent. The main reason for this phenomenon is thought to be the photon shot noise effect, which is a random reaction between photons and photoresist..... More
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Effects of Melting Conditions on Cerium oxidation state and Catalytic Behavior on Cerium Phosphate Glasses
세륨 인산염계 유리에서 세륨의 산화수와 촉매특성에 대한 용융조건의 영향
Ju-Hyeong Kim, Dae-Sung Kim, Bong-Ki Ryu김주형, 김대성, 류봉기
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):144-149. Published online 2017 Feb 2 DOI:
As with any solvent, stabilizing a multivalent element at a given oxidation level in the glass depends on the thermodynamic conditions. The effects of temperature in the oxidation-reduction equilibrium have been previously noted with higher temperatures being conductive to reduced states. 30Ce 2O-70P 2O 5 binary system glasses were prepared. The effects of..... More