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Instruction regarding contributions

  1. The submission of papers to the Korean Journal of Metals and Materials is possible only for members who have joined the Institute, and papers can be submitted following contants in the order shown below.
     - Research Paper, Technical Note, Comment and Reply, Review Paper
  2. The submissions are accepted at all times through out the year.
  3. The submission and screening of papers is possible only on the Institute’s homepage (http://www.kim.or.kr), and the date on which the procedures for registering a paper with the Institute have been completed is regarded as the paper submission date.
  4. The papers submitted must be completed according to the paper guidelines of the Korean Journal of Metals and Materials, and the publication of the manuscripts submitted is determined after screening. The order of publication is based on the order in which the screening of papers is completed. However, the editorial board may adjust the order according to the progress of screening. Even when screening has been completed, manuscripts that do not strictly follow the present Institute’s regulations on contributions may be returned.
  5. Paper screening is performed by expert reviewers from the fields of the papers contributed, who evaluate and present comprehensive views on the manuscripts submitted.
  6. When a paper is submitted, copyright to it transfers to the present Institute, and when the paper is used in other publi-cations, the Institute must be informed of the fact. All responsibility for the technical contents of the paper lies with the authors.
  7. Following the completion of screening, the author’s checklist and the statement of confirmation of the transfer of copyright must be submitted.

* Publication charge

Basic 6page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page Over 11page
150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 50,000 won/per page
Research with assistance: 100,000 won (addition) / Color print: 150,000 won (addition)

Paper Guidelines

Papers by authors who are not native users of English must have their papers proofread for their English, and all attendant costs must be paid by the authors themselves. However, when a paper is proofread by a professional proofreading company, a statement confirming the fact must be submitted together with the manuscript.

  1. The title of a paper must concisely yet concretely reflect the contents.
  2. As for the English title of the paper, the first letter of all words except prepositions, articles, and conjunctions must be capitalized. The first letter of all words that immediately follow hyphens must be capitalized as well.
  3. All of the names of the authors must be indicated as full names, and the name of the contributing author (primary author) must come first.
  4. The place of employment (name of the research organization) must be indicated in the following order: Name of the research organization, bureau or department concerned, area, postal code/zip code, and name of the country.
  5. The paper should include a Graphical Abstract along with a 200~300 word text abstract or less for research papers and 50 words or less for technical notes and comments and replies.
  6. Authors should provide a maximum of six (6) keywords.
  7. Papers must be completed and submitted as Microsoft Word files, and the order of the contents must be: Paper Title, Contributors’ Names, Place of Employment, Abstract, Keywords, INTRODUCTION, EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, and REFERENCES.
  8. An academic term that appears for the first time in the main body must be indicated fully, with its abbreviated form in parentheses. When subsequently repeated, the abbreviated form must be used:
    [Example] The absolute temperature (T) is… → T is…
  9. When reference materials are to be indicated in the main body, they must be indicated using square brackets [ ] within the sentences where they are cited.
    [Example] The effect [2,3] on the oxidation of iron and steel materials [1]…
  10. Tables and figures in the main body must be indicated as “Table” and “Fig.” and as “Table” and “Figure” the first time that they appear.
  11. As for the captions of tables and figures, only the first letter must be capitalized. As for the locations of the captions, they are to be above tables and below figures.
  12. As for the sizes of tables and figures, their widths must be within 75-165 mm. X- and y-axis legends and indications such as (a), (b), and (c) must not be saved together with figures.
  13. Numerical equations within sentences must be italicized. When numerical equations appear in a succession, they must be numbered in sequence, as in (1) and (2), instead of being followed by lines.
  14. Simple numerical equations within sentences must be expressed in the spread form. When it is difficult to distinguish between the numerators and denominators, they must be distinguished using ( ).
    [Example] must be expressed as (a + d)/(c + b).
  15. A papers must be completed as a single file, and all tables and figures must be included in the file.
  16. Reference materials must be indicated using abbreviated forms and according to the Web of Science notation in the following order.

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The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
6th Fl., Seocho-daero 56-gil 38, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06633, Korea
TEL: +82-2-557-1071   FAX: +82-2-557-1080   E-mail: metal@kim.or.kr
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