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Microstructure and Texture Evolution in Thermomechanically Processed FCC Metals and Alloys: a Review
Aman Gupta, Ranjeet Kumar, Lalit Kaushik, Sourabh Shukla, Vipin Tandon, Shi-Hoon Choi
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(7):564-592.   Published online 2024 Jun 28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.7.564

The stacking fault energy (SFE) of face-centered cubic (FCC) alloys is a critical parameter that controls microstructural and crystallographic texture evolution during deformation and annealing treatments. This review focuses on several FCC alloys, aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), austenitic stainless steels (ASSs), and high entropy alloys (HEAs), all of which exhibit..... More

The Effect of Rolling Reduction on the Microstructure Evolution and Slip Behavior of Ta-10W Alloy during Cold Rolling Process
냉간 압연 시 Ta-10W 합금의 미세조직 변화 및 슬립 거동에 미치는 압하율의 영향
Ki-Seong Park, Lalit Kaushik, Hyo-Sang Yoo, Jae-Yeol Jeon, Shi-Hoon Choi
박기성, Lalit Kaushik, 유효상, 전재열, 최시훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(6):429-444.   Published online 2024 May 31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.6.429

In this study, we investigated the influence of cold rolling reduction on microstructural evolution and slip behavior in Ta-10W alloy fabricated by vacuum arc melting (VAM). As the reduction increased, both single and multiple slips were observed within some grain interiors. At reductions of 20% and 40%, deformation bands, primarily..... More

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A Study on the Effect of Multi-Axial Forging Type on the Deformation Heterogeneity of AA1100 Using Finite Element Analysis
유한요소해석을 이용한 AA1100의 변형 불균일성에 미치는 다축 단조 유형의 영향 연구
Min-Seong Kim, Jeong Gyun Kim, Tae Hyun Yoo, You Yeon Jo, Seong Lee, Hyo-Tae Jeong, Shi-Hoon Choi
김민성, 김정균, 유태현, 조유연, 이성, 정효태, 최시훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(9):624-639.   Published online 2021 Aug 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.9.624

The effect of 3 forging routes (Route A - 1~12 passes by plane forging (PF) and reverse-plane forging (R-PF), Route B – 1~6 passes by PF and R-PF, 7~12 passes by diagonal forging (DF) and reversediagonal forging (R-DF), Route C – 1~12 passes by DF and R-DF) on maximum load..... More

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Comparison Between Multi-Axial Forging and Multi-Axial Diagonal Forging of AA1100 Using Finite Element Analysis
유한요소해석을 이용한 AA1100의 다축 단조와 다축대각 단조의 비교
Hyo-Tae Jeong, MinSeong Kim, SangChul Kwon, SunTae Kim, Seong Lee, Shi-Hoon Choi
정효태, 김민성, 권상철, 김순태, 이성, 최시훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(1):18-27.   Published online 2018 Dec 14
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.1.18

The effect that forging routes (3 routes, A-C) exert on the development of deformation heterogeneity in AA1100 was theoretically performed using finite element analysis. Route A corresponded to a forging process that involved from 1 to 6 passes through multi-axial diagonal forging (MADF); Route B corresponded to a forging process..... More

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Analysis of Deformation and Failure Behaviors of TIG Welded Dissimilar Metal Joints Using Miniature Tensile Specimens
소형 인장시편을 이용한 TIG 용접된 이종금속 접합부의 변형 및 파괴거동 분석
Ji-Hwan Shin, Nabeel Jahanzeb, Min-Seong Kim, Ji-Hyun Hwang, Shi-Hoon Choi
신지환, Nabeel Jahanzeb, 김민성, 황지현, 최시훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):125-131.   Published online 2017 Feb 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.2.125

The deformation and failure behaviors of dissimilar metal joints between SS400 steel and STS316L steel were investigated. The dissimilar metal joints were fabricated using the tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process with STS309 steel as a filler metal. The microstructures of the dissimilar metal joints were investigated using an optical..... More

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Effect of Strength Coefficient of Bainite on Micromechanical Deformation and Failure Behaviors of Hot-Rolled 590FB Steel during Uniaxial Tension
열연 590FB강의 일축인장 시 미소역학적 변형거동 및 파괴거동에 미치는 베이나이트의 강도계수의 영향
Eun-Young Kim, Sung Il Kim, Shi-Hoon Choi
김은영, 김성일, 최시훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2016;54(11):808-816.   Published online 2016 Nov 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2016.54.11.808

The effect of the strength coefficient (KB) of bainite on micromechanical deformation and failure behaviors of a hot-rolled 590MPa steel (590FB) during uniaxial tension was simulated using the elasto-plastic finite element method (FEM). The spatial distribution of the constituent phases was obtained using a phase identification technique based on optical..... More

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