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Microstructure, Corrosion Resistance and Tensile Properties of Modified Al-0.7Mn Alloy
개량 Al-0.7Mn 합금의 미세조직, 부식 저항성 및 인장 특성
YuanJiu Huang, Tae-Hoon Kang, Ho-Joon Choi, Young-Chul Shin, Seung-Cheol Lee, Kee-Ahn Lee
황원구, 강태훈, 최호준, 신영철, 이승철, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(11):886-896.   Published online 2024 Nov 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.11.886

A modified alloy (Al-0.7Mn) was designed and fabricated with an increased Mn content up to 0.7wt.% and a controlled Fe content of 0.1wt.% and compared with the conventional Al3102 (Al-0.3Mn) alloy using the air-slip casting process. Both alloys were homogenized at 510°C for 10 hours and then air-cooled. The microstructure,..... More

High Temperature Wear Property of Ta-10W Alloy
Ta-10W 합금의 고온 마모 특성
Tae-Hoon Kang, Jung Hyo Park, Kyu-Sik Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
강태훈, 박정효, 김규식, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(10):827-835.   Published online 2024 Oct 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.10.827

This study investigated the high-temperature wear characteristics of Ta-10W alloy, composed of 90% tantalum and 10% tungsten, known for its high melting point, excellent corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance. Wear tests were conducted using a ball-on-disc method with alumina balls at temperatures of 200°C, 400°C, 600°C, and 700°C. The results..... More

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Effects of Superheating Treatment on the Microstructure, Tensile and Thermal Conductivity Properties of Fe-Bearing Al-10Si-Mg Casting Alloy
Fe 함유 Al-10Si-Mg 주조 합금의 미세조직, 인장 및 열전도도 특성에 미치는 과열 처리의 효과
Jin-Hyeok Jang, Tae-Hoon Kang, Kwang-jun Euh, Young-Hee Cho, Kee-Ahn Lee
장진혁, 강태훈, 어광준, 조영희, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(5):402-410.   Published online 2024 May 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.5.402

In this study, we designed and manufactured a new Fe-bearing Al-10Si-Mg casting alloy (F alloy) and investigated its microstructure, mechanical properties, and thermal conductivity. Two types of Fe-bearing Al-10Si-Mg alloys were used: the Conventional-F alloy, injected at 720 ℃ and cooled by water quenching, and the Superheated-F alloy, heated to..... More

Erratum to: Residual Stress Analysis of Additive Manufactured A356.2 Aluminum Alloys using X-Ray Diffraction Methods
Erratum to: X-선회절을통한적층제조 A356.2 알루미늄합금의잔류응력분석
SangCheol Park, InYeong Kim, Young Il Kim, Dae-Kyeom Kim, Soong Ju Oh, Kee-Ahn Lee, Bin Lee
박상철, 김인영, 김영일, 김대겸, 오승주, 이기안, 이빈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(4):323-324.   Published online 2024 Mar 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.4.323
Residual Stress Analysis of Additive Manufactured A356.2 Aluminum Alloys using X-Ray Diffraction Methods
X-선 회절을 통한 적층제조 A356.2 알루미늄 합금의 잔류응력 분석
SangCheol Park, InYeong Kim, Young Il Kim, Dae-Kyeom Kim, Soong Ju Oh, Kee-Ahn Lee, Bin Lee
박상철, 김인영, 김영일, 김대겸, 오승주, 이기안, 이빈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(7):534-544.   Published online 2023 Jun 21
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.7.534

The physical properties of metal-based structural materials, such as hardness, strength and toughness, are directly or indirectly affected by residual stress inside or on the surface of the given part. Repeated rapid heating and cooling during the additive manufacturing process causes thermal gradients and expansion and contraction in the material,..... More

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Effect of Fe-Cr-B on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Powder Injection Molding Processed Fe-Cr-B/316L Stainless Steel Matrix Composite
분말 사출 성형된 Fe-Cr-B/316L 스테인레스강 복합재료의 미세조직과 기계적 특성에 미치는 Fe-Cr-B의 영향
Young-Kyun Kim, Yeun-Ah Joo, Tae-Shik Yoon, Kee-Ahn Lee
김영균, 주연아, 윤태식, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(1):9-17.   Published online 2022 Dec 28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.1.9

Stainless steel-based composites (SMCs) mixed with 316L stainless steel powder and Fe-Cr-B based M alloys powder ed M) powder were manufactured using the powder injection molding (PIM) process, and their microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. To examine the effect of M content on the properties of SMCs, the M..... More

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Effect of EMS Process on the Primary Si Refinement, Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Hyper-eutectic Al-15wt.%Si Alloy
과공정 Al-15wt.%Si 합금의 Primary Si 미세화와 인장 및 피로 특성에 미치는 EMS 공정의 영향
Min-Seok Baek, Tae-Hoon Kang, Jong-Ho Kim, Jun-Pyo Park, Kwangjun Euh, Kee-Ahn Lee
백민석, 강태훈, 김종호, 박준표, 어광준, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(5):360-369.   Published online 2022 Apr 22
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.5.360

This study investigated the effect of the electromagnetic stirring (EMS) process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hyper-eutectic Al-15 wt.%Si alloy. The tensile and high-cycle fatigue properties of the EMS Al-15wt.%Si alloy were examined and compared with conventional direct chill (DC) cast alloy. The initial microstructure of the as-cast..... More

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Microstructure and Wear Properties of Al 7075 Alloy Manufactured by Twin-Roll Strip Casting Process
Twin-Roll Strip Casting 공정으로 제조된 Al 7075 합금의 미세조직 및 마모 특성
Kyoung-Wook Kim, Min-Seok Baek, Kwangjun Euh, Kee-Ahn Lee
김경욱, 백민석, 어광준, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(12):870-879.   Published online 2021 Nov 19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.12.870

Al 7075 alloy was manufactured using the twin-roll strip casting (TRC) process, and the mechanical and wear properties of the fabricated TRC process were investigated. To compare the properties of the alloy manufactured by TRC, another Al 7075 alloy was fabricated by conventional direct chill (DC) casting as a comparative..... More

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Effect of Tailored Microstructures in CaO-Added AZ31 Extrusion Material on Tensile, High Cycle Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Propagation Properties
CaO 첨가 AZ31 압출재의 개량된 미세조직이 인장, 고주기 피로 및 피로 균열 전파 특성에 미치는 영향
Young-Kyun Kim, Min-Jong Kim, Yu-Jin Hwang, Shae. K. Kim, Hyun-Kyu Lim, Kee-Ahn Lee
김영균, 김민종, 황유진, 김세광, 임현규, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(6):365-373.   Published online 2021 May 26
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.6.365

The effect of tailored microstructures in 0.5 wt% CaO added AZ31 on tensile, high-cycle fatigue, and fatigue crack growth properties was examined. By adding CaO, the average grain size (AGS) was significantly reduced from 4.25±2.32 μm (conventional AZ31) to 2.42±1.60 μm (CaO-AZ31). The fineprecipitates of CaO-AZ31 were more evenly distributed..... More

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Tensile and Compressive Deformation Behaviors of High-Strength Cu Bulk Material Manufactured by Cold Spray
저온 분사 공정으로 제조된 초고강도 Cu 벌크 소재의 인장 및 압축 변형 거동
Young-Kyun Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
김영균, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(11):759-767.   Published online 2020 Oct 15
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.11.759

In this study, high-strength pure Cu bulk material was manufactured using a cold spray additive manufacturing process, and its microstructure, tensile and compressive deformation behaviors were investigated and compared. The cold spray additive manufactured Cu bulk material showed a heterogeneous grain structure consisting of fine-grains and coarse-grains, and only α..... More

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Effect of Co Leaching on the Vertical Turning Lathe Wear Properties of Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Manufactured by High Temperature and High Pressure Sintering Process
초고온·고압 소결 공정으로 제조된 다결정 다이아몬드 컴팩트(PDC)의 VTL 마모 특성에 미치는 Co 제거의 영향
Min-Seok Baek, Ji-Won Kim, Bae-Gun Park, Hee-Sub Park, Kee-Ahn Lee
백민석, 김지원, 박배건, 박희섭, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(7):480-487.   Published online 2020 Jul 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.7.480

Polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) has excellent wear resistance, high impact resistance, superior fatigue properties, and has been used in the oil and gas drilling industries. This study investigated the effect of Co leaching on the microstructure, vertical turning lathe (VTL) wear properties of PDCs manufactured by high-temperature and high-pressure (HTHP)..... More

Effect of Strain Rate and Loading Direction on the Mechanical Properties of Ni-Cr-Al Superalloy Foam Fabricated by Powder Alloying Method
분말 합금법으로 제조된 Ni-Cr-Al 초합금 다공체의 인장 특성에 미치는 변형률 속도 및 하중 방향 효과
Kyu-Sik Kim, Jung-Suk Bae, Jae-Sung Oh, Kee-Ahn Lee
김규식, 배정석, 오재성, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(6):375-382.   Published online 2020 May 20
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.6.375

The powder-alloyed metallic sheet foam manufacturing process has the advantage of being able to control pore shape, size, and distribution more easily and homogeneously than conventional foam manufacturing processes. The effects of strain rate and tensile direction on the mechanical properties of Ni-Cr-Al superalloy foam fabricated by powder alloying method..... More

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Effect of Post Heat-Treatment on the Microstructure, Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Al 3003 Alloy Manufactured by Strip Casting Process
Strip Casting 공정으로 제조된 Al 3003 합금의 미세조직, 인장 및 피로 특성에 미치는 후열처리 영향
Min-Seok Baek, Kwangjun Euh, Chang-Yeol Jeong, Kee-Ahn Lee
백민석, 어광준, 정창열, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(3):151-161.   Published online 2020 Mar 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.3.151

Al 3003 alloy was manufactured by strip casting process, and the effect of post heat-treatment on tensile and fatigue properties was investigated. The strip cast Al 300 alloy exhibited a unique globular shaped rapid-cooled solidification structure, and the microstructural characteristic remained after heat-treatment. Asstrip cast (F) and heat-treated (O) alloys..... More

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Asymmetry in the Mechanical Properties of Block Ni-Cr-Al Superalloy Foam Fabricated by the Combination of Powder Alloying and Hot Rolling Processes
분말 합금법 및 고온 압연 공정으로 제조된 대형 블록 Ni-Cr-Al 초합금 다공체의 기계적 특성 비대칭성
Kyu-Sik Kim, Min-Chul Shim, Man-Ho Park, Jung-Yeul Yun, Kee-Ahn Lee
김규식, 심민철, 박만호, 윤중열, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(2):103-111.   Published online 2020 Jan 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.2.103

A block Ni-Cr-Al superalloy foam with dimensions of 300 mm (width direction, WD) × 500 mm (rolling direction, RD) × 60 mm (normal direction, ND) was fabricated using powder alloying, multi-sheet stacking, and hot rolling processes. The structural characteristics, microstructure, and mechanical asymmetry of the block Ni-based foam were investigated...... More

Room and Elevated Temperature Compressive Deformation Behavior of AISI 316L Alloy Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting Process
Selective laser melting 공정으로 제조된 AISI 316L 합금의 상온 및 고온 압축 변형 거동
Gi-Su Ham, Soon-Hong Park, Kee-Ahn Lee
함기수, 박순홍, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(5):295-303.   Published online 2019 May 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.5.295

This study investigated the microstructure and compressive properties (at room & high temperatures) of Fe-Cr-Ni based AISI 316L alloy, manufactured by selective laser melting process. The effect of stress relieving heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties also examined. Regardless of the stress relieving heat treatment, the SLMed AISI..... More

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Effect of Cr Electroplating Layer Thickness on the Tensile and High Cycle Fatigue Properties of AISI 1045 Steel
AISI 1045 강의 인장 및 고주기 피로 특성에 미치는 Cr 도금층 두께의 영향
Gi-Su Ham, Yeon-Ji Kang, Hyung-Jun Kim, Sang-Hoon Yoon, Kee-Ahn Lee
함기수, 강연지, 김형준, 윤상훈, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(3):138-145.   Published online 2019 Feb 14
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.3.138

This study investigated and compared the tensile and high-cycle fatigue properties of AISI 1045 steel and Cr electroplated AISI 1045 steel. First, tensile and fatigue specimens were machined from AISI 1045 steel (substrate), and two kinds of Cr electroplating layers with different layer thickness were applied. The substrate, AISI 1045..... More

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Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of W-7Ni-3Fe Tungsten Heavy Alloy Manufactured by Metal Injection Molding Process
Metal Injection Molding 공정으로 제조된 W-7Ni-3Fe 텅스텐 중합금의 미세조직 및 기계적 특성에 미치는 열처리의 영향
Seong-June Youn, Yeun-Ah Joo, Tae-Shik Yoon, Kee-Ahn Lee
윤성준, 주연아, 윤태식, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(10):727-733.   Published online 2018 Oct 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.10.727

This study investigated the microstructure and room temperature mechanical properties of W-7Ni-3Fe (wt%) tungsten heavy alloy (as-fabricated) which was manufactured by metal injection molding (MIM). To identify the effect of heat treatment on the W-7Ni-3Fe alloy, its properties were compared after heattreatment (1,100 oC for 1 hour) in vacuum atmosphere...... More

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Microstructure and Room Temperature Wear Properties of a Ni-Cr-B-Si-C Coating Layer Manufactured by the Laser Cladding Process
Laser Cladding 공정으로 제조된 Ni-Cr-B-Si-C 코팅층의 미세조직 및 상온 마모 특성
Tae-Hoon Kang, Kyu-Sik Kim, Soon-Hong Park, Kee-Ahn Lee
강태훈, 김규식, 박순홍, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(6):423-429.   Published online 2018 Jun 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.6.423

A Ni-Cr-B-Si-C coating layer was manufactured on a plate of Fe base alloy using a laser cladding process, and the microstructural and mechanical properties of the laser cladded coating layer and a Ni electroplating layer (used as a reference material) were investigated. To identify the microstructural and mechanical properties, scanning..... More

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Effect of Carrier Gas on Microstructure and Macroscopic Properties of Tantalum Coating Layer Manufactured by Kinetic Spray Process
Kinetic spray 공정으로 제조된 탄탈럼 코팅층의 미세조직 및 물성에 미치는 송급 가스의 영향
Ga-Ryung Kim, Young-Kyun Kim, Hyung-Jun Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
김가령, 김영균, 김형준, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(5):360-365.   Published online 2018 May 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.5.360

This study attempted to utilizing the kinetic spray process to manufacture tantalum coating layer and investigated the effect of carrier gas on the microstructure and macroscopic properties of the coating layer. The initial powder feed stock was a massive powder with an average particle size of 24.35 μm and 99.99%..... More

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Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 17-4PH Steel and Fe-Cr-B Alloy Mixed Material Manufactured Using Powder Injection Molding
Powder Injection Molding 공정으로 제조된 17-4PH 강과 Fe-Cr-B 합금 복합 소재의 미세조직 및 기계적 특성
Yeun-Ah Joo, Young-Kyun Kim, Tae-Sik Yoon, Kee-Ahn Lee
주연아, 김영균, 윤태식, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(5):342-349.   Published online 2018 May 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.5.342

This study investigated the microstructure and mechanical properties of 17-4PH precipitation hardened martensite stainless steel and Fe-Cr-B based alloy mixed material manufactured using powder injection molding. 17-4PH stainless steel powder was mixed with 5 wt%, 10 wt% and 20 wt% Fe-Cr-B based alloy (M alloy) powder to manufacture three different..... More

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Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing on the Microstructure and Room·High Temperature Tensile Properties of Fe-Cr-Ni based HK30 Alloy Manufactured by Metal Injection Molding Process
Metal Injection Molding 공정으로 제조된 Fe-Cr-Ni계 HK30 합금의 미세조직 및 상·고온 인장 특성에 미치는 열간 등압 성형의 영향
Young-Kyun Kim, Tae-Sik Yoon, Kee-Ahn Lee
김영균, 윤태식, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(2):121-129.   Published online 2018 Feb 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.2.121

This study manufactured Fe-Cr-Ni-based alloy (HK30) using the metal injection molding (MIM) process and investigated the microstructure and room·high temperature mechanical properties of the material. The effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on properties was also examined. The average grain sizes were 24.1 µm for an MIM specimen and 29.1..... More

Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Elevated Temperature Compression and Compressive Creep Properties of Fe-14Cr Ferritic Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steel
Fe-14Cr계 페라이틱 산화물 분산 강화강의 고온 압축 및 크리프 특성에 미치는 열처리의 영향
Young-Kyun Kim, Yeun-Ah Joo, Jong-Kwan Park, Hwi-Jun Kim, Man-Sik Kong, Kee-Ahn Lee
김영균, 주연아, 박종관, 김휘준, 공만식, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(12):862-869.   Published online 2017 Dec 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.12.862

This study investigated the microstructure and the ambient-elevated temperature compression and elevated temperature creep properties of Fe-14Cr ferritic ODS steel manufactured by mechanical alloying (high energy ball milling) and hot extrusion processes. Initial microstructural observation of the as-extruded material identified elongated grains in the direction of extrusion; however, some recrystallization..... More

Effect of Diamond Particle Size on the Microstructure and Wear Property of High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Sintered Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (PDC)
초 고온・고압 소결된 다결정 다이아몬드 컴팩트의 미세조직 및 마모 특성에 미치는 다이아몬드 입자 크기의 영향
Min-Seok Baek, Hee-Sub Park, Jae-il Lee, Kee-Ahn Lee
백민석, 박희섭, 이재일, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(11):790-797.   Published online 2017 Oct 31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.11.790

A polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) is a two-stage sintered body manufactured by placing diamond powders on a WC-Co hard material and then applying the high pressure high temperature (HPHT) sintering process. This study investigated the microstructure and wear properties of the PDC depending on initial diamond particle size. Three different..... More

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