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Evaluation of Tensile Properties and Microstructure of a Scraped Gas Turbine Blade using Miniature Specimens
미소 시편을 이용한 가스터빈 블레이드 사용품의 인장 및 미세조직 특성평가
Youngdae Kim, Yinsheng He, Jiye Bang, Jinesung Jung
김영대, 하인생, 방지예, 정진성
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(11):865-871.   Published online 2022 Oct 31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.11.865

A gas turbine (GT) blade is a key hot-pass component for advanced GT engines, and should have stable properties under extreme conditions of 1,350°C and 3,600rpm, etc. The GT blade, after operating with nearly 800 equivalent start-stops (ES) or 24,000 equivalent operation hours (EOH), should be replaced due to degradation..... More

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Effect of ERNiFeCr-2 Filler Metal on Solidification Cracking Susceptibility of CM247LC Superalloy Welds
ERNiFeCr-2 용가재 적용에 따른 CM247LC 초내열합금 용접부 응고균열 민감도 변화 거동
Kyeong-Min Kim, Hye-Eun Jeong, Ye-Seon Jeong, Uijong Lee, Hyungsoo Lee, Seong-Moon Seo, Eun-Joon Chun
김경민, 정혜은, 정예선, 이의종, 이형수, 서성문, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(10):698-708.   Published online 2021 Sep 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.10.698

The metallurgical aspects of weld solidification cracking in Ni-based superalloys (with Ti+Al > 5 mass%) have not been widely investigated thus far. Herein, the solidification cracking susceptibility of the CM247LC superalloy and its welds with ERNiFeCr-2 filler wire was quantitatively evaluated using a novel modified Varestraint testing method, for the..... More

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Evaluation of Liquation Cracking Behavior and Susceptibility in Heat-Affected Zone of CM247LC Superalloy Welds for Turbine Blade Application
CM247LC 초내열합금 터빈 블레이드 용접 열영향부의 액화균열 발생 거동 및 민감도 평가
Ye-Seon Jeong, Kyeong-Min Kim, Uijong Lee, Hyungsoo Lee, Seong-Moon Seo, Eun-Joon Chun
정예선, 김경민, 이의종, 이형수, 서성문, 천은준
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(12):875-886.   Published online 2020 Dec 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.12.875

In this study, the weldability of the as-cast CM247LC superalloy for turbine blade applications was metallurgically evaluated in terms of its hot cracking behavior and susceptibility. For this purpose, a real blade was manufactured using a directional solidification casting process, and gas tungsten arc welding was performed at the tip..... More

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Evolution of Microstructure and Mechanical Characteristics in Rejuvenation of a Hot Gas Pass Component of a Gas Turbine by Heat Treatment and HIP
열처리 및 HIP 공정을 이용한 가스터빈 고온부품 재생시 미세조직 및 기계적 특성 변화
Sung Yong Chang, Ki-Yong Oh
장성용, 오기용
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(7):468-474.   Published online 2019 Jun 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.7.468

The evolution of microstructure and mechanical characteristics during the rejuvenation of a hot gas pass component of a gas turbine was investigated with an actual service-exposed bucket in a power plant. Heat treatment and hot isostatic pressing processes were conducted to rejuvenate a hot gas pass component of a F..... More

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