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Analysis of Deformation Mechanism Behaviors of Ti-5Mo-1Fe Alloy under Quasi-static and Dynamic Deformation
Ti-5Mo-1Fe 합금의 준정적 및 동적 변형 시 변형 메커니즘 거동 분석
Yong-Jae Lee, Jae-Gwan Lee, Dong-Geun Lee
이용재, 이재관, 이동근
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2025;63(2):102-108.   Published online 2025 Feb 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2025.63.2.102

To evaluate the deformation mechanisms of Ti-5Mo-1Fe alloy, compression tests were performed at strain rates ranging from 10-3/sec to 3×103/sec at room temperature. The results showed that Ti-5Mo-1Fe alloy exhibited different deformation mechanisms depending on the strain rate. Under quasi-static strain rates, the Stress-Induced Martensitic (SIM) transformation from the metastable..... More

Effect of Strain Rate on Deformation Behaviors of Ti-12.1Mo -1Fe Metastable Beta Alloy
Ti-12.1Mo-1Fe 준안정 베타 합금의 변형 거동에 대한 변형률 속도의 영향
In Kyeong Jin, Dong-Geun Lee
진인경, 이동근
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(10):741-747.   Published online 2023 Sep 25
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.10.741

The addition of expensive elements to β titanium alloys, which are widely used in the aerospace and automobile industries, causes their price to increase. Low-cost, high-strength alloy (Ti-12.1Mo-1.0Fe) was designed in this study and the compressive behaviors of this alloy were evaluated for application to automobile parts, etc. As a..... More

Effect of Strain Rate and Loading Direction on the Mechanical Properties of Ni-Cr-Al Superalloy Foam Fabricated by Powder Alloying Method
분말 합금법으로 제조된 Ni-Cr-Al 초합금 다공체의 인장 특성에 미치는 변형률 속도 및 하중 방향 효과
Kyu-Sik Kim, Jung-Suk Bae, Jae-Sung Oh, Kee-Ahn Lee
김규식, 배정석, 오재성, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(6):375-382.   Published online 2020 May 20
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.6.375

The powder-alloyed metallic sheet foam manufacturing process has the advantage of being able to control pore shape, size, and distribution more easily and homogeneously than conventional foam manufacturing processes. The effects of strain rate and tensile direction on the mechanical properties of Ni-Cr-Al superalloy foam fabricated by powder alloying method..... More

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