Temperature Dependency of the Tensile Characteristics and Transition of Fracture Behaviors in a Novel Infiltrated TiC-SKD11 Composites
TiC-SKD11 함침 복합재의 온도에 따른 인장 특성과 파괴거동 변화
Nu-Ri Oh, Sang-Kwan Lee, Seung-Chan Cho, Il-Guk Jo, Keum-Cheol Hwang, Dae-Ha Kim, Young-Tae Cho, Dong-Woo Suh, Hyun-Uk Hong오누리, 이상관, 조승찬, 조일국, 황금철, 김대하, 조영태, 서동우, 홍현욱
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(3):156-164. Published online 2017 Mar 3 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.3.156
A composite having 60 vol% of TiC particles was successfully fabricated by the infiltration of molten SKD11 tool steel into a TiC preform. The density of this composite was achieved to be 25% lighter than conventional steels. The penetration of the liquid metal reached geometrically complex regions without any interfacial..... More