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Comparative Study on the Corrosion Behavior of Materials in Heat Recovery Steam Generators for Combined Cycle Power Plant, Based on Sulfuric Acid Concentrations: Carbon Steels vs. Duplex Stainless Steel (UNS S32205)
복합화력발전 내 배열회수 보일러용 소재(탄소강 계열 및 듀플렉스 스테인리스강(UNS S32205))의 황산농도에 따른 부식거동 비교 연구
Yu Sung Jang, Jin Sung Park, Seung Gab Hong, Sung Jin Kim
장유성, 박진성, 홍승갑, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):830-841.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.830

This study examined the effects of sulfuric acid concentrations on the corrosion behaviors of three types of commercial steels, conventional carbon steel (SA192), sulfuric acid dew resistant steel (S-TEN), and duplex stainless steel (S32205), considered to be potential materials for the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in combined cycle power..... More

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Comparative Study on the Corrosion Behavior of Materials in Heat Recovery Steam Generators for Combined Cycle Power Plant, Based on Sulfuric Acid Concentrations: Carbon Steels vs Duplex Stainless Steel (UNS S32205)
복합화력발전 내 배열회수 보일러용 소재 (탄소강 계열 및 듀플렉스 스테인 리스강(UNS S32205))의 황산농도에 따른 부식거동 비교 연구

Published online 1999 Nov 30
: This study examined the effects of sulfuric acid concentrations on the corrosion behaviors of three types of commercial steels, conventional carbon steel (SA192), sulfuric acid dew resistant steel (S-TEN), and duplex stainless steel (S32205), considered to be potential materials for the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in combined cycle power plants. Based... More
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