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Alleviating the Polysulfide Shuttle Effect by Optimization of 3D Flower-Shaped Vanadium Dioxide for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
이산화바나듐 나노플라워 구조 최적화를 통한 리튬-황 전지의 폴리설파이드 셔틀 효과 완화
Su Hwan Jeong, Hyeon-jun Choi, Sang Jun Lee, Dong Park Lee, Suyoon Eum, San Moon, Jong Hyuk Yun, Joo-Hyung Kim
정수환, 최현준, 이상준, 이동박, 엄수윤, 문산, 윤종혁, 김주형
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):849-856.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.849

With the rapid development of portable devices and Energy Storage Systems (ESS), secondary batteries with high energy density and high capacity are in great demand. Among various candidates, Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have been considered for next-generation energy devices given their high theoretical capacity (1675 mAh g-1) and energy density (2500..... More

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Enhanced High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of the Conventional Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr Alloy through Carbon Pack Cementation and Analysis of the Carbon Diffusion Path
탄소 팩 세멘테이션 (Pack cementation) 공정을 통한 상용 Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr 합금의 고온 내산화성 개선과 탄소 확산 경로 해석
Donghyeon Kim, Kwangsu Choi, Joonsik Park, Seonghoon Yi
김동현, 최광수, 박준식, 이승훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(10):723-731.   Published online 2022 Sep 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.10.723

γ-TiAl alloys have attracted interest as lightweight materials for structural applications at temperatures below 800 o C. With recent improvements in microstrutural control of the γ-TiAl alloys, resulting in excellent creep properties and high temperature strength, their use can be extended to temperatures higher than 800 o C. To increase..... More

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Nano Silicon Composite with Gelatin/Melamine Derived N-doped Carbon as an Efficient Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries
Venugopal Nulu
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(11):802-812.   Published online 2021 Oct 28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.11.802

Silicon (Si) has a high theoretical capacity and low working potential vs. Li/Li+, and has been investigated as the most capable negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, Si undergoes significant volume changes during the Li+ alloying/ dealloying processes, leading to unstable cycle life and limiting its practical applicability..... More

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Cold Cracks in Fillet Weldments of 600 MPa Tensile Strength Low Carbon Steel and Microstructural Effects on Hydrogen Embrittlement Sensitivity and Hydrogen Diffusion
인장강도 600 MPa급 저탄소강 필렛 용접부의 저온균열과 미세조직에 따른 수소취성 민감성 및 수소확산 거동
Hyoungjin An, Junghoon Lee, Hanji Park, Jaeseok Yoo, Sungwook Chung, Jongmin Park, Namhyun Kang
안형진, 이정훈, 박한지, 유재석, 정성욱, 박종민, 강남현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(1):21-32.   Published online 2021 Jan 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.1.21

Hydrogen flowing into a weld causes hydrogen embrittlement (HE), so to prevent cold cracks in the weld, HE must be suppressed. In this study, single-pass fillet weldments were fabricated using two different welding fillers with the same strength level as the American Welding Society standard. The specimen F-HNi, which had..... More

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Effect of Carbon Contents on Corrosion and Hydrogen Diffusion Behaviors of Ultra-Strong Steels for Automotive Applications
탄소함량이 자동차용 초고강도 철강소재의 부식 및 수소 확산 거동에 미치는 영향
Eun Hye Hwang, Hwan Goo Seong, Sung Jin Kim
황은혜, 성환구, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(8):570-579.   Published online 2018 Aug 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.8.570

Recently developed ultra-strong GIGA STEEL exhibites superior mechanical properties, with a high tensile strength of more than 1.5 GPa and good impact toughness. Nevertheless, its application to auto parts has been severely restricted, mainly due to a substantial reduction in the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement (HE) induced by aqueous corrosion...... More

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Effect of Sn Content on Filler and Bonding Characteristics of Active Metal Brazed Cu/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Joint
Jioh Shin, Ashutosh Sharma, Do-hyun Jung, Jae Pil Jung
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(5):366-374.   Published online 2018 May 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.5.366

This study examined the effects of the Sn content in a pure active metal filler Ag-Cu-Ti for the brazing of a Cu/ Al2O3 joint. The optimal content of Sn to effectively wet alumina was 5 wt%. The microstructure of the brazed joint showed the presence of an Ag-rich matrix and..... More

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Effect of Current Densities on the Electromigration Failure Mechanisms of Flip-Chip Sn-Ag Solder Bump
전류밀도에 따른 플립칩 Sn-Ag 솔더 범프의 Electromigration 손상기구 분석
Gahui Kim, Kirak Son, Gyu-Tae Park, Young-Bae Park
김가희, 손기락, 박규태, 박영배
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(11):798-805.   Published online 2017 Oct 31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.11.798

The effect of current densities on the electromigration (EM) failure mechanism of flip chip Cu/Ni/Sn-Ag/Cu solder bumps was investigated under stressing conditions at current densities ranging from 5.0~6.9 × 103 A/cm2 at 150 ℃. The EM failure times at 5.0 × 103 A/cm2 were around 11 times longer than at..... More

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Growth Behavior of Intermetallic Compound in Dissimilar Al-Cu Joints Under Direct Current
알루미늄-구리 이종 도체 접합부에서 직류 전기 인가에 따른 금속간화합물의 성장 거동
Jeong-Ik Kim, Sung-woo Jin, Jinwook Jung, Hyun-Min Sung, Hye-Jin Jeong, Siwook Park, Ju-Won Park, Heung Nam Han
김정익, 진성우, 정진욱, 성현민, 정혜진, 박시욱, 박주원, 한흥남
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(6):372-378.   Published online 2017 Jun 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.6.372

Aluminum conductors are increasingly replacing copper because Al has lower cost and lighter weight, and consequently the demand for Al-Cu joints for industrial applications is growing. However, an intermetallic compound is known to grow at the Al-Cu interface, and will result in fracture if it grows above a critical thickness...... More

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High-strength Ti Alloy Prepared via Promoting Interstitial-Carbon Diffusion
침입형 탄소 확산을 이용하여 제조한 고강도 Ti 합금
Bo-Young Kim, Se-Hyun Ko, Jae-Chul Lee
김보영, 고세현, 이재철
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):342-347.   Published online 2017 May 9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.5.342

Feasibility studies are performed to determine the suitability of a novel simple synthesis technique for fabricating a new Ti alloy with improved strength and ductility, while exhibiting lower cell toxicity. Through consolidating pure Ti powders under a C atmosphere at elevated temperatures, a bulk form of the Ti alloy, in..... More

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Effect of Heat Treatment on the Diffusion-Bonded Ni-Base Alloy Hastelloy X
확산접합된 Ni기 합금 Hastelloy X에 미치는 후열처리 영향
Injin Sah, Jong-Bae Hwang, Sun-Ig Hong, Eung-Seon Kim, Min-Hwan Kim
사인진, 황종배, 홍순익, 김응선, 김민환
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):115-124.   Published online 2017 Feb 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.2.115

The effect of post-bond heat treatment (PBHT) on diffusion-bonded polycrystalline Ni-base alloy Hastelloy X (Ni-22Cr-18Fe-8Mo) was evaluated in this study. Diffusion bonding was conducted under a compressive pressure of 14 MPa in the temperature range of 1100-1200 ℃. While (Cr,Mo)-rich and (Mo,Si)-rich precipitates were developed along the interface at 1100..... More

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Effect of Bonding Pressure and Bonding Time on the Tensile Properties of Cu-Foam / Cu-Plate Diffusion Bonded Joint
Cu foam / Cu plate 간 고상확산접합부의 인장성질에 미치는 접합압력과 유지시간의 영향
Sang-Ho Kim, Hoe-Jun Heo, Tae-Jin Yoon, Chung-Yun Kang
김상호, 허회준, 윤태진, 강정윤
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2016;54(12):899-907.   Published online 2016 Dec 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2016.54.12.899

Open cell Cu foam, which has been widely utilized in various industries because of its high thermal conductivity, lightweight and large surface area, was successfully joined with Cu plate by diffusion bonding. To prevent excessive deformation of the Cu foam during bonding process, the bonding pressure should be lower than..... More

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