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Modulating the Electrical Properties of Lithium-Doped Zinc Oxide: Interplay of Lithium Content, Oxygen Pressure, and Temperature
Byoungnam Park
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(2):106-114.   Published online 2024 Jan 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.2.106

This research elucidates the intricate interplay of lithium content, oxygen pressure, and temperature and their influence on the electrical properties of Lithium-doped zinc oxide (LZO). The electrical behavior of zinc oxide (ZnO), a prominent semiconductor material, can be modulated when doped with lithium (Li). Through systematic experimentation, we demonstrate that..... More

The Mechanism Behind the High zT of SnSe<sub>2</sub> Added SnSe at High Temperatures
SnSe2 결함 도입으로 인한 SnSe의 고온 열전성능 증대 메커니즘
JunSu Kim, Seong-Mee Hwang, Hyunjin Park, Yinglu Tang, Won-Seon Seo, Chae Woo Ryu, Heesun Yang, Weon Ho Shin, Hyun-Sik Kim
김준수, 황성미, 박현진, Yinglu Tang, 서원선, 류채우, 양희선, 신원호, 김현식
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(11):857-866.   Published online 2023 Oct 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.11.857

SnSe is a promising thermoelectric material due to its low toxicity, low thermal conductivity, and multiple valence band structures, which are ideal for high electronic transport properties. The multiple valence band structure has attracted many attempts to engineer the carrier concentration of the SnSe via doping, to place its fermi..... More

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Effect of Oxygen Concentration on the Growth and Cathodoluminescence Properties of MgO Nanowires
MgO 나노선의 성장과 음극선 발광 특성에 미치는 산소 농도의 영향
Geun-Hyoung Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(7):509-513.   Published online 2023 Jun 21
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.7.509

MgO nanowires were grown by a thermal evaporation method at different N2/O2 gas ratios in order to investigate the effect of oxygen concentration on the growth and luminescence properties of the MgO nanowires. A thermal evaporation process was conducted at 1000oC and under a pressure of 500Torr. No nanowires were..... More

Ultrathin MgO Nanosheets Fabricated by Thermal Evaporation Method in Air at Atmospheric Pressure
대기압의 공기 분위기에서 열증발법에 의해 제작된 초박형 MgO 나노시트
Geun-Hyoung Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(10):769-773.   Published online 2022 Sep 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.10.769

Ultrathin MgO nanosheets were successfully synthesized by thermal evaporation of a mixture of Mg and graphite powders as the source material. The synthesis was performed at 1000 oC in air. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the two-dimensional MgO nanosheets had widths of several micrometers and the thickness of less than..... More

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Carburizing Behavior of AISI 4115 Steel According to the Flow Rates of Acetylene in Vacuum Carburizing
AISI 4115 강의 진공 침탄 시 아세틸렌 유량에 따른 침탄 거동
Gi-hoon Kwon, Kyoungil Moon, Young-Kook Lee, Minsu Jung
권기훈, 문경일, 이영국, 정민수
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(9):617-625.   Published online 2020 Aug 13
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.9.617

The vacuum carburizing behavior of AISI 4115 steel according to acetylene flow rates (1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 sccm) and temperatures (900, 950, and 1000 oC) was quantitatively investigated through microstructure, carbon concentration and hardness analyses. As the acetylene flow rate increased, the penetration rate of carbon..... More

A Study on the Separation and Concentration of Li from Li-Containing Waste Solutions by Electrodialysis
리튬함유 폐액으로부터 전기투석에 의한 리튬의 분리·농축 연구
Jueun Lee, Hongil So, Yeonchul Cho, Inhwan Jang, Jaewoo Ahn, Jaeheon Lee
이주은, 소홍일, 조연철, 장인환, 안재우, 이재헌
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(10):656-662.   Published online 2019 Sep 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.10.656

Electrodialysis was used to develop a highly efficient process for concentrating and recovering Li from the Li-containing waste solution that is generated after recovering Co and Ni from a leach solution of waste cathode materials of Li ion batteries. The optimum conditions were investigated by comparing the concentration of Li..... More

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Hydride Precipitation Behavior with Hydrogen Concentration and Homogenization Temperature in Zr-2.5%Nb Pressure Tube Material
Zr-2.5%Nb 압력관 재료에서 수소 농도와 균질화 처리 온도에 따른 수소화물 석출 거동
Sang Yup Lim, SungSoo Kim, Gyeong-Geun Lee
임상엽, 김성수, 이경근
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(4):203-213.   Published online 2019 Apr 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.4.203

The precipitation characteristics of hydrides in Zr-2.5% Nb pressure tube material were investigated for various hydrogen concentrations and homogenization temperatures. A surface hydride was formed using the electrolytic method and homogenized at various temperatures up to at 550 oC. The homogenization treatment was carried out at 300-550 oC over 240..... More

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Study of the Morphological, Structural, Optical and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanorods Grown Using a Microwave Chemical Bath Deposition Method
마이크로파 화학 용액 증착법을 이용하여 성장시킨 ZnO 나노로드의 형태학적, 구조적, 광학적 그리고 광전기화학적 특성 변화 연구
Sungjin Oh, Hyukhyun Ryu, Won-Jae Lee
오성진, 류혁현, 이원재
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(4):255-263.   Published online 2017 Apr 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.4.255

In this study, zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures were grown on a ZnO-buffered fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate using a microwave chemical bath deposition method with different zinc oxide precursor concentrations from 0.01 to 0.5 M. We investigated the effects of the zinc oxide precursor concentration on the morphological, structural, optical..... More

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